Part 18

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Lee was reading his bible, Biggs and Arthur were playing travel chess. A small skinny child peeped around the corner, “Are you the ones doing my puppet theatre?”

  They all looked round at this scruffy waif, “Your puppet theatre, who are you?” enquired Lee.

  “I’m little Lord D’ark, and it’s my birthday today, I’m six,” warbled the youngster.

  “Oh, really, we only came by chance, but it is good that we can be of service,” said Arthur.

  “I’ve got to help my mummy make the sandwiches, my favourite, tripe and jelly,” said little D’ark

  “I didn’t expect to have to play for kids. Goblin kids are the worse,” Lee shook his head.

  Ugbash walked briskly into the room, “The little guests have started to arrive downstairs. My kids will enjoy it too. Come on then.”

  Ugbash led the way down into the main hall. All the children were playing up, there were two goblin children in the puppet theatre standing on a chair with puppets dangling from their hands. Another human child was nearly ripping the puppet theatre cover trying to see the others. Children were fighting on the table, rolling around in the food and the rest were screaming and running all over the room.

  “Oh, it’s not that bad,” remarked Lee, “it’s usually worse than this.”

  Ugbash shouted, “Right, you lot, shut up, sit down or I’ll beat you up!”

  Most of the children looked round and Ugbash tapped a stick on his palm. Ten seconds later all was nearly quiet. “Now then, you lot,” he said,” these three gentlemen have come to entertain you for little Paul’s birthday party, he’s six today.” Ugbash started to clap and cheer and gestured to Lee, Arthur and Biggs that they could start.

  Lee whispered to Arthur, “Can you juggle or anything like that?”

  “Uh-oh,” Arthur replied, “I can only juggle with two balls.”

  Lee passed him two balls and said, “Get juggling,” and then he said to Biggs, “so what can you do?”

  “I’m good at sword-fighting.”

  “That’s no good, you’ll have to be a horse, get on your hands and knees,” ordered Lee.

  Biggs obeyed and was immediately mounted by three goblin children who prodded, kicked and thumped him. He tried to crawl around but more children tried climbing on top of him.

  Lee managed to remove the children from the theatre and said a quick prayer while he prepared to do his puppet theatre. Arthur dropped one of the balls and a human child picked it up and ran under the table with it. The king of the Britons bumped his head on the table, “OOUCHH! These horrid little kids,” he said rubbing his head and then bumping into Ugbash.

  “I thought you were an entertainer,” said the goblin, “you’re not controlling your emotions very well.”

Alf led the way, “My eyes are better than yours in the dark, where’s the map?”

  Sid got the map out and spread it on the floor, “I think we’re here,” he said, “near the guards chamber, if were not careful there’ll be some goblins in it.  Isn’t there another way round, a secret passage?”

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