7 months O_O

856 23 14

Wow, 7 months since I last updated O-O
Jeff: how can you just abandon your followers like that? Your inhumane
Kitty: I didn't abandon them, exams are coming up and I needed preparation ;-; I was on watt pad too much •3•
Jeff: exams? O-o
Kitty: yes Jeff. Now, don't talk to me about being inhumane when you go out and murder people -.-
Jeff: ... Whatever -_-
Kitty: I have 22 exams ;-; kill me
Sally: kit-Kat!
Kitty: *exhales* yes sally?
Sally: *inhales*
Ben: oh god, prepare yourselves...
Sally: *speaks faster than sonic doing drugs*
Everyone: O_O
Ben: um... Sally? You wanna slow down a little?
Sally: but how else am I going to explain what happened in the last 7 months in 7 minutes? ;-;
Kitty: here, lets go to my room and you can explain there *smiles*
Sally: YUUSSSSSSS *jumps into kitty's arms*
Kitty: *carries Sally upstairs*
Jack: *walks into room* um... I forgot to ask Jeff or Ben, did you guys manage to clean the mess we left in kitty's room?
Jeff: sh*t.... She's gonna find out that we-
Kitty: *screams*
Jeff, Ben and Jack: O_O sh*t...
Kitty: JEFF! BEN! JACK! *charges downstairs*


Slender man: um... Kitty? Where are Ben, Jeff and Jack? I called them but I find them anywhere...
Kitty: *chuckles evilly under breath* lets just say they're a little... Tied up... At the moment *smirks*
Slender man: may I ask why your covered in blood?
Kitty: *eyes glow red* no reason~
Slender man: O_O

But seriously guys, I apologise for not updating in a while. I'm so grateful for the favs and views on my stories! I love you guys and you're all amazing people! Thank you so much ^u^

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