Part 48|Chamber

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As i jumped, i hooked myself onto Jeff. He looked shocked at why i was even here in the first place.Before he could reply, our surroundings faded and it felt as if we were falling. I shut my eyes for a brief moment and opened them, i found myself on the floor. Was it... a dream?

I sat upright to find i was opposite a prison cell with the missing creepypasta friends and Ben inside. I looked around and found myself in a giant room with four pillars in a square formation with steps leading up to a flat walking area with a black patter on the floor of it. From each of the pillars were chains.

"(y/n)" Ben gasped, making the others wake up from staring at the ground "what are you doing here?"
"What happened?" i said, looking at Ben who seamed more... humane...
"well he-JEFF!" Ben responded

His voice told me that it wasn't good. I spun back to find a figure in a cloak get to the top of the steps and begin to chain Jeff to the ground. My eyes widened and without thinking, i ran towards them.

Digital love ~ Ben drowned x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz