Part 52|Trapped

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My eyes started frantically darting around the room in search for an idea for an escape route! Then it hit me, i looked directly at Vasco and the crack along his mask... It glowed an eerie glow down the crack, a faint whitish colour. 

'Get your thoughts together (y/n)! You can do this!' i said to yourself

My eyes flashed open and i dug my teeth into Vasco's arm. He let out a loud, short yell. I dropped to my feet and i see him go to punch me. With a swift duck and dodge i managed to avoid being hit. I ran in the opposite direction, i knew he was going to catch p but i had to think. His mask seems like the source to where the creepypastas' immortal powers lies. If i can grab the mask, maybe i can end this once and for all!

I spun on my heel to confront him right behind me. He went to grab me, so i acted fast. I leaped off his chest and kicked the mask, sending it flying into the air. As i backflipped off his chest and landed, i caught sight of the mask. Without even turning to look as Vasco, i charged towards the mask. I saw my shadows reflected off the walls and knew something bad was coming. I quickly leaped out the way as just as i did, a ball of what looked like fire passed my head. My eyes widened but i knew i had to destroy the mask before it was too late.

I continued towards the mask as fire continued to spread around me. I found myself inches from the mask, leaping and grabbing it. I hugged it close to my chest as i landed and done a forward roll on the ground. I saw his shadow cast on the wall, this could be it.

I charged at the wall as he sent continuous attacks my way. I charged up the wall and backflipped over him as he reached me. I landed and as i did, i used all my force and slammed the mask against the ground...

My eyes winded as it didnt even crack... why... Why isnt it breaking? It broke before! So why isnt it-

"how dare you..." he mumbled

I hesitated and looked up. For a moment, i forgot his mask was off but as i saw his face realisation hit me. He almost looked like he was being consumed by the fire.

"Everything would of been perfect..." he clutched his fist and started me dead in the eye "Until you had to ruin everything"

I tried backing up but panic arose as i found myself being engulfed into the fire. My head darted to the cages where it looked like everyone was safe... Must be stopping the fire from spreading inside it.

"I'm done playing games..." he stated as his fist began to light with fire "I'm going to end this, once and for all"

My eyes widened as he sent an attack towards me. I was backed into a corner, no ways to turn or run. Even if i attempted, death was right there ahead of me. My first instinct was to raise the mask and shield myself...

"(Y/N)!!!" Jeff shouted in panic

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