Chapter 1

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Welcome back! I have a lot of plans for this book!!!! Hope you guys enjoy chapter 1!!Play song when told! X)

Vanoss POV:

I sat on my bed texting Mini:

V: Mini, do you think Delirious will ever come back...

M: Vanoss, can I be honest with you?

V: Always....

M: I honestly think Delirious is under someone's spell...

V: Really? I don't think he is, I think he was just upset about Ohm and was hurt cause he was his first..... Love... And only love I'm guessing now....

M: Don't say that, yeah he was his first love but that doesn't mean he is his only love, some people can have more than one love...

V: Highly doubt it, I only had Delirious for my first true love... I'm Delirious side "chick"...

M: First off, you're not a girl and second the way he looks at you even after Ohm's death is a look I've never seen before...

V: I Guess, hey can we call up the group and hang before school maybe take a run in the woods...

M: Yeah! Let's contact the guys!

I sat on the log in the middle of the forest that we trained at weeks ago, I saw headlights show up in the distance. All of a sudden Delirious showed up running towards me, I ran up and hugged him. "Um, Vanoss I love you and all but not like this" I heard Nogla say. I looked up and saw Nogla, it wasn't Delirious it was Nogla. My mind is playing tricks on me, and I can't take it "Um, sorry my mind just. Played me" I mumbled to myself and I slowly walked away. Soon the rest of the guys showed up, I sat back down on the lot "What time is it?" Lui asked dragging himself over to me, I looked at him "4:48am" I smiled. He looked at me with wide eyes, "Why are we out here that early! I need my beauty sleep!" He complained, I let out a sigh "Oh, the poor baby! You need all the beauty sleep you can get" I joked at him.

Play song! X)

"Yeah that's what I'm- wait!" He yelled at me. I walked over to Wildcat, "Morning run, basically free running" I said patting him on the back with a smile knowing he was tired. He let out a fake laugh then rolled his eyes at me, Mini walked up to Wildcat. "Hey, just think of it as. A gate way of getting into somebody's pants" Mini smirked taking his shirt off, he pulled Wildcat into a kiss. Wildcat put his hands on Mini's waist, "Let's do this!" Wildcat said pulling away from the kiss. I started laughing, and took my shirt off and threw it at Lui.

Third POV:

Vanoss ran over to Nogla, they started off as a jog. Moo ran up next to us, "Let's race" Moo suggested to us. Nogla looked at him, "Bitch you're a vampire! You're gonna win! I know you will!" He shouted as he almost tripped over a root from a tree. We started laughing, Terroriser jumped over Vanoss "You guys run slow!" He shouted as he sprinted down the trail. Moo smirked, "First one out of the woods to my car wins!" Vanoss shouted. The trail plus the trees was 3 miles long, "Deal!" Moo said as he started speed running. Vanoss started running as his speed caught up, he jumped over the roots as he ran after Moo. Nogla was behind Vanoss, every root Vanoss jumped over Nogla tripped over.

Vanoss was getting close to Moo, he went to go reach for Moo but was tackles into the bushes by Marcel. "Ha bitch!" Marcel shouted as he got up and ran after Moo. Vanoss smirked as he got up and started running towards them, Marcel noticed Vanoss over his shoulder and picked up his speed. Vanoss smirked as he picked up his speed, Wildcat was at the front of the pack he noticed Terroriser was close behind him.

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