for him

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disclaimer: i did not write any of this chapter, full credit goes to _MrRaye_   only my ideas were given

michael grunted as he tried to walk on the treadmill, holding onto the railings.

"c'mon michael, you can do it!" luke cheered for michael, clapping excitedly.

"i-i c-can't.." michael faltered as sweat dripped down his forehead as he grunted with effort, attempting to walk.

michael slid off the treadmill and landed with a loud 'thump'; he tried not to cry as pain filled his body. luke and michael's physio rushed over to help him back into his wheelchair.

"i'm so sorry, i failed. again." michael huffed as he was sat back into his chair and he let out a small whimper as his sore foot came in contact with the chair.

luke lifted michael's fallen face and smiled gently. "don't worry mikey... you're making great progress baby, right?" luke looked to the physio, peter, for assurance.

he cleared his throat before speaking, "yes, michael should be able to walk in about a year and a half with regular treatment, maybe even earlier."

luke looked happy to here that michael would be able to walk again and he smiled widely at michael, "see mikey, you could be walking in a year and a half. that's amazing!"

michael looked slightly relieved and gave luke a half smile. "i guess... i really love you luke. you make me so happy, throughout everything we've been through."

"i love you too mikey."

michael couldn't get over the feeling of how good it felt to have someone love him back equally.

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