pink haired girl

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michael wiped the tear that had rolled down his cheek, he breathed out sharply remembering he still had two hours left of his shift. he did not want to be at work right now, he wanted to be home in luke's arms, watching pokemon and drinking hot chocolate. michael felt someone quickly tap shoulder and jumped at the sudden contact. "sorry" the person giggle
"that's okay" michael laughed softly as he turned to see who had tapped him. he came face to face, with a short pink haired girl.
"are you alright" she asked sincerely "i saw what happened with that long haired dude"
"yeah, he's just been giving me hell"
"that sucks" she said as she placed her hands on her hips "oh by the way i'm ashley" the girl smiled (( a.n. me: *casually brings pink hair halsey into the story* ))
"i'm michael" michael replied
"cute name" ashley smiled. michael just smiled awkwardly "oh my god that just sounded like i was hitting on you" she laughed, throwing her head back "i totally wasn't, i've seen you around with you boyfriend"
"it kinda did" michael giggled. ashley just laughed. there was a couple seconds of silence before ashley spoke up. "dude, do you want me to take your shift? you're having a rough day and i think you need to go home and take a break"
"no it's okay, i don't want to dump my shift on you the first day we talk"
"michael, i don't mind. i wouldn't have asked if i did"
"you sure?"
"yes! go home" ashley smiled, playfully pushing michael's shoulder
"thank you so much, i owe you" michael said as he rushed to the back area to grab his bag of things. "thanks again" michael said quickly as he passed ashley on his way out. she nodded her head at his as if to say you're welcome.


michael sighed in relief and mentally thanked lukes boss for giving him a shift today. michael entered his bathroom and ran an extremely hot bath. he pulled out his phone and played the playlist that luke and him had created. steam from the bath filled the room as michael stripped off his clothes and entered the bath, cussing at how hot the bath was. his body got used to the water a he  turned off the water and laid back in the bath. he closed his eyes and took in the silence, glad to finally be alone to think about his life.

the music played softly in the background as michael cleaned his body, washing off all of his negative feelings. michael loved baths, they calmed him.

once the water was getting cold, michael got out of the bath,feeling better than ever. baths put him in a great mood. water dripped off his pale body as he walked over to the towel rack, wrapping the blue towel around the bottom half of his body. he grabbed a second towel and dried off hiss mess of hair. he dried off his body and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and an all time low t-shirt.

it was about 1pm and michael was starving. he ordered a plain cheese pizza and turned on his playstation, determined to beat the part of the video game he was up to.

about 40 minutes later, there was a knock at the door. a smiled took over michael's face because he knew it was going to be the pizza guy. he raced to the kitchen, grabbing money and a tip for the pizza guy. he face completely dropped when he opened the door.

"ashton?" michael asked shakily. ashton pushed michael back into the lounge room. michael's face was covered in fear when ashton pushed him over the coffee table, causing him to smash onto the floor. "stop! please!" michael begged, tears in his eyes. ashton laughed hysterically

"stop? i warned you, michael. but you didn't listen" ashton yelled as he kicked michael's stomach. michael yelled out in pain, rolling onto his back, grabbing his stomach. michael was hoping ashton would stop, but he didn't. ashton's foot collided with michael's hip. tears poured out of michael's eye's as he screamed out please's and sorry's. "it's too late for sorry" ashton scream in michael's face as he grabbed michael's t-shirt. he dragged him across the room and slammed him into a wall. he pinned him there with his left hand by his throat. ashton used his free had to repeatedly hit michael's fearful face, tightening his grip around michael's throat and hitting the back of michael head into the wall every so often. blood and tears covered michael's faced as he tried to loosen ashton's grip, but he was too strong. ashton was much bigger and musclier than michael. ashton released michael and michael's injured body flopped to the ground. ashton kicked him one more time before sprinting out the front door. michael curled up in a ball and sobbed into his knee's. his whole body was pounding with pain.


an hour later, michael still hadn't moved from his spot. his body was still in pain and he was 100% sure ashton had broken his ribs and cheek bones. michael heard the door begin to open, he prayed that ashton wasn't coming back for seconds. michael attmepted to get up but his body was too weak. he screamed out in pain as his body fell back to the cold floor.

"michael?" a small voice yelled out

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