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disclaimer: i did not write any of this chapter, full credit goes to _MrRaye_ only my ideas were given

the sky was dark and the streets were empty as ashton walked to the 24 hour convenience store to get some supplies for the plan he had conjured up.

when he reached the store, the place was a desolate area with no one to be seen. the store was quiet and was frankly quite creepy to ashton.

he first walked over to the section where they kept kitchen appliances, in search for butcher's knives and regular knives.

then, he went to the frozen foods aisle in search for ice and mixed vegetables.
ashton got some duct tape and a pair of wire cutters, perfectly sharp for what he would be doing.

ashton got a large amount of strong rope and plastic ties, perfect for restricting a certain person.

he reached the checkout and began to pay for his items. the female cashier looked at him strangely and ashton forced a tight smile, his breathing became a bit erratic thinking about his evil plan.
the cashier told him the price and ashton handed her a fifty dollar bill, before he hurriedly packed up his stuff and left without a receipt or change.

if his plan was going to work then he needed to work fast. ashton smirked at the triumph he felt in that moment.

no one would ever find the body.

delusional disorder ☹ mukeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon