Farewell O Hujjaaj

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The opportunity of Hajj arrives only for a small percentage.

Many pass away, while others, at a very high age,

Never had the distinction of visiting the holy city.

Therefore, those who've been granted this golden opportunity

Should really be grateful to Allah for this privilege.

Before embarking on this holy journey,

It remains the responsibility of every hujjaaji

To ask pardon and to greet friends and family,

So that there is no risk of leaving in animosity.

Can one be expected, at Arafaat, to be purified.

If one refuses to take the Prophet as one's guide?

Earthly fraternity is the basis of this pilgrimage,

Therefore, local brotherhood enhances a pilgrim's image.

This, definitely, is no ordinary journey.

On this point all pilgrims readily agree.

It is a holy response to a divine invitation,

Extended to a select few in every nation.

In the Holy Qur'an, says Allah:

"Wa lillaahi alan naasi hijjul bayti

Manis ta tau'a ilayhis sabeelaa."

(Pilgrimage is a duty everywhere,

Which mankind owe to our Lord,

Those who are able and who can afford

To attain spiritual security there. (3.97)

When the hour of departure, eventually, draws near,

It is often quite natural to choke on a tear,

Especially if the one who's about to depart,

Is sincere and close to everyone's heart.

Departure is a time when there's sadness in the air.

Alhamdu Lillah, on hajj, you're accompanied by prayer.

May Allah Almighty on your whole journey through

Grant His blessings and guidance to you.

Whither your way and wherever you stay,

For your safety we pray, every moment, night or day.

For protection of your family, whom you leave behind,

May Allah grant health, safety and peace of mind.

May you visit all the places, which you sincerely intend,

Not forgetting a prayer for each relative and friend.

May All your good intentions be accepted by Allah

And may there be acceptance of each sacred du'ah.

Thus, when the time of departure is finally at hand

And the departing adhaan is the exit command,

Tears flow freely as leave is taken by the hujjaaj,

To embark on the first leg of a memorable hajj.

For your health and safety we fervently pray.

Please don't forget us along your blessed way.

Convey our salaam at the tomb of our beloved Rasool,

And, insha-Allah, may you be granted a hajj makbool.                 

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