I ran up to her and broke the wooden chair over her big, fat, old lady butt. She fell down once more.

Now may not be the best time for a victory dance but..
"Ohhh! What do ya have to say to that?! Ha!" I gloated at her.

Before I knew it, she was back on her feet and I was dodging a series of attempted strikes.

Then, with all of the force I could muster, I pulled back my fist, landing a low blow to her gut.

She bent over, gasping for air. Right before I could attack again, she snached my hat off of my head and grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling on it violently.

"Ow, let go, you stupid hag!" I shouted, but that just caused her to pull more furiously.

We were right by the snack table, so seeing an opportunity, I twisted my body towards it, grabbed the punch bowl, and tossed the sugary, red concoction in her face.

She released my tangled hair, holding her hands to her face, and screamed like a madwoman.

Angling my stance, I grabbed the collar of her gown.
"Have some more punch!!" And with that I my knuckles met her pink-stained face. She fell to the ground next to the now empty bowl.

I let out a "hmph" before walking to where my hat lay on the floor. I picked it off of the floor and put it back on my head, adjusting it.

"Fionna, look out!!!" I heard an all too familiar voice scream.
The next thing I know, I'm on the floor with Marshall laying somewhat atop me, with shattered glass around us.

The frosty witch growled. "You stupid vampire! I almost had her that time! You've ruined my chance!" she screamed, infuriated.

Then I realized, I was in the corner with the grand finale string. I quickly scanned the wall desperately for the string. Upon finally spotting it, I reached up an arm and tugged with might.

Black and red balloons came raining down, along with glitter and streamers.

Lifting myself up, I shot out from the glittery objects falling from the ceiling, and landed a flying kick right onto the Ice Queen's face. She once again landed on the floor, holding something in her hand.

I leaned in to get a better look at what it was and...

"AHHH!!" I screamed in pain but mostly shock. She had driven a large, pointed shard of glass into my upper thigh.

I stumbled back, clumsily, falling onto my behind. Hesitating first, I wrapped my fingers around the shard, and pulled it out, looking at the dark liquid on the clear glass.

Marshall emerged from the balloons that were endlessly falling, and looked like he had just gone into shock upon noticing the blood-soaked snow.

I opened my mouth to reassure him that I was fine (more or less). But in a split second, a split second too fast, a split second for me to have saved him, the witch plunged a sharpened wooden leg of a chair in his chest.

"NOOO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My mind was fogged and going in a million different directions.

He collapsed onto the floor, hands fixated on the chair leg.

'Marshall Lee...'

All I could feel was guilt, and dismay, and anger, oh especially anger. My eyes locked onto the Ice Queen.

Everything turned red and I didn't understand or know what was happening, until my knuckles began to ache. I was throwing wild, uncontrolled punches at her. I was being reckless and I knew it too. I wanted to stop but I couldn't.

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