'Ebony?' I heard behind me.

I shook out of the mans grip and ran towards the familiar voice crashing into his chest.

'Don't leave me again' I almost shouted.

Niall grip was tight for a second before his grip loosened and he was gone. The coffee's spilt across the floor

'What the fuck do you think your doing?' Niall shouted pushing the tall man.

'Niall don't' I shouted

'Oh look its that blonde guy from that Gay boy band' the man teased.

With that Niall's fist collided with his face.

'Don't fucking touch her again' the man touched the familiar gash on his lip that Niall had now reopened.

I looked away with my hands to my mouth

'Only having some fun' the man teased again. I could imagine Niall's fist tightening at his words.

Two security guards seen the commotion and ran towards the fight.

'Excuse me' the security guard said in his Italian accent.

'What is going on here?' He asked.

'This man was scaring this girl' Niall explained pointing at me. I turned to examine the security guards. They were both small men, line had much darker skin, the other looked paler, like he wasn't,t from around here.

'How can you let scum like this to fly with you' he added.

After a five minutes conversation with the security guard one made his way towards me. Niall's eyes locked on the short security guard.

'Was this man bothering you' the man asked. This man had a Scottish accent.

'He was doing a bit more than that' I mumbled.

'That's all I need' he whispered patting my shoulder, he turned and nodded at the Italian security guard

'Sir come with me' the man said taking his arm. I watched as they walked away and down the long corridor. Niall walked towards me wrapping his arms around me, rocking me back and forth.His grip was tight and his head rested on mine.

'That man was fleeing the country. He assaulted some teenage girl and was leaving before he got caught.' Niall explained.

'I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you'

'It's OK'

'No it isn't' he pulled away.

'I shouldn't have left you on your own, I keep breaking my promise. I want to look after you Ebony. You have no idea how much you mean to me, if anything happened to you... '

I cut him off by planting a kiss on his lips.

'I forgive you' I whispered. He smirked.

'Thank you' he whispered back leaning in to kiss my lips again. His touch was soft and warm

'Niall?' I said looking up into his blue eyes making me freeze.

'Yeah?' His voice croaked.

I shook my head. 'We better get ready to board.'

Truth was our flight wasn't boarding for another 40 minutes.

The words I really wanted Niall to hear, were the three words that frightened me.

I love you.

Why was it so hard to say. It was the truth.

I've never felt the way I feel right now ever before.

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