17. Behind The Curtains

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“I said that, we are in love, darling,” Virat said softly, his eyes waiting to capture my reactions.

I was dumpfounded. How can he do this? He dragged himself in without no apparent reason. I realised now why his family acted weird. He should have told them, too.  But he should've asked me about this atleast once.

"How could you do this, Virat? You just got yourself into my problems. You can't do this without even asking me. This is about me. You can't say things like that to my family. What will be their reaction when they came to know that we're just acting? This is pure cheating!" I screamed. I don't know when my temper had raised.

"Alish, calm down!" Virat said, keeping his hands on my shoulders, but I slapped it. He flinched but he kept his hands still, squeezing my shoulders. "Listen to me!" he demanded.

I remained silent, letting him continue. His hands left my shoulders. He ran them over his hair making it messier. He wasn't expecting me to burst out neither did I.

"Alish, look this is the right thing to do now. Not every relationship ends in a happy note. There are sad ones too. They will understand that eventually."

I felt guilty for yelling at him. He has been my best friend but dragging him into a shit of fake love. This isn't good. “Virat, this isn't going to do any good for you. Did you think of the media? What about your reputation? It'll be ruined.”

"Nonsense!" Virat shouted while his fist connected to the Vase in the table, breaking it into thousands.

Involuntarily, I took a step backward. I checked on my parents. I was grateful that my family was at the backyard. I quickly collected the shattered pieces of the Vase.

“Sorry. . .” his voice was throaty that I had to look at him to even know whether he was speaking or not.  He avoided my eye-contact and squatted next to me. He started to pick some of the broken pieces.

“We have to talk about this,” I said, looking at him. It hit a nerve. He got tensed and angry. His hands turned into fists. The broken pieces pierced into his flesh, dropping blood in the white tiles.

"Virat! What are you doing?" I took his hand in mine while examining.

“What have you done, Vii?”I felt anger boiling up. He didn't answer.

We were in my room. Virat hadn't uttered a word till now. I dressed his hand, thanking God, as that cut wasn't deep as I expected to be. He was watching me the whole time. His eyes were simply cold and distant. I hated his silence. I would rather be shouting at him than his silent treatment.

It has been a hour. He was in the study chair, and I pulled my kness to my chest sitting on the bed. Both of us remained silent. None of us took the initiative to talk. The silence turned to be a comfortable one. It gave both of us time to process what was going on.

“My parents were pressuring about the marriage thing, lately.”His voice was raspier breaking the silence.

So, he is in the same condition as I am?

"Why don't you get married?" I asked.  My eyes gazing the floor.

"I want to concentrate on my career right now. And marriage is a great distraction." I cringed at 'marriage is a great distraction.'

"Vii, don't lie to me. Tell me the truth. What's there behind the curtains?"

"You know me too well, Alish." He sighed and continued, "I don't want to marry right now. I want to find the love. A real one. One who loves me for who I am; Not for my so called 'reputation.' One who is there in all my ups and downs. One who doesn't fall for my looks and appearences," he gestured himself and I chuckle at that. "I'm waiting for that special one," he finished with a little blush and his eyes glittered.

"Aww!!! Vii, Most people don't know your romantic side," I said and laughed a little.

"You will know that more since you are my girlfriend now," he mocked, winking at me.

I groaned, "I better get used to that soon."

He laughed. "I want my girlfriend to accompany for shopping," he stretched his hand for me to take.

I slapped his hand and laughed, "Only as your best friend."

"I'm more than grateful for that, my lady." he said in a british accent.






"By no means, Alish. I'm not wearing that burqa," Virat stated.

"It is a new option. No one will know you, Vi. You can do shopping as a normal person," I chirped.

"Even a beanie and a glass will do that." He crossed his hands over his chest.

I sighed. Suddenly an idea plopped in my mind. "Vi, wear this as a punishment for making that decision without even asking me," I squealed.

He groaned. Without an other word, he put on the burqa which I brought from my neighbour. "Virat! Look at you man...woman." I gestured him to see the mirror.

"Keep your snide comments with yourself, Alish." His voice was harsh and rude.

"Okay. No offence." I held my hands up in defence.

We stepped in the Khan market, a place where you can find anything and everything. We went to many stores buying the necessary things. No one seemed to recognize Virat. He didn't stop complaining about the burqa though.

"You Alisha, right?" A guy with red glasses asked.

"Umm. . .yeah. Sorry I couldn't recognize you," I said shifting umcomfortably. I could feel Virat stiffening behind.

"Even now?" that guy removed his glasses and I take in his appearence.

"Omg! Is this really nerdy Nick?" I jumped in joy. Nick was my best friend from nursery. We lost connection in the middle.

"Yes, Allu." he pulled me into an embrace.

"I missed you so much, man". I whispered as I hugged him. "I missed you too," he said back.

We pulled off quickly. I looked at Virat. He was looking at me. I couldn't figure out his expression much due to the veil covering his face. Nick noticed Virat. He gestured to Virat and said, "Who is this hot stuff, Allu?"

I burst out into laughter. "What?" he asked, but I could hardly control my laughter. Virat glared at me.

"Hey, baby doll. My Goodness, you've covered your face otherwise I would've fallen flat," Nick continued to flirt with Virat. Nick and his cheesy lines.

I laughed harder at that. Virat glared at me again. If only looks could burn, I will be on fire now.

I dragged Nick by his arm and said, "Nick, h-she has a boyfriend." And that is me. I sniffed a laugh while saying that.

"Oh, I am sorry then." He moved from Virat.

After a chit-chat, Nick said, "Okay Allu, I have to go. We will catch up soon, he turned to Virat, “bye, babes!” He left the place immediately.

I turned to Virat who was glaring the whole time. "What the hell was that?" he asked exasperated.

"I'm sorry, Vii. It just...happened." I said, trying to stifle my laughter.

"Beware of him," he warned. I sniggered.  "Don't act like a boyfriend, Vii." I said.

"Because I am," he played along. And that earned him a hit on his arm.

I reached home, after dropping Virat at his. Shopping with Virat was altogether a different experience. We had a good time together. It was thrilling and exciting at the same time.

I took out the things from the shopping bags. I placed the clothes, books, bangles at the respective places. And then I found something odd. I picked it up.

It was a glass Vase. It looked exactly like the broken one.

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