5. Behind The Curtains

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And for the fourth time in a row, I heard the wailing sound again. This time it was very close to me. The sound send chills down to my spine as I froze in the middle.

Before I could turn around, someone closed my mouth with their hand. I tried to open my mouth and bite into the flesh, but there was no room for it.

That person started to drag me from behind before I could comprehend anything. One hand was around my mouth and the other was around my waist, dragging me on the backwards.

I tried to wriggle out of the grip, but the grip was so strong that I couldn't. I could sense it was a man from the way he held me.

A sense of fear settled in my mind as I understood the depth of the situation. I am kidnapped by someone, that too on the first day of my work.

Who wants to kidnap me?

Whoever it is, I am not going to allow him to succeed. I started to punch him in his thighs, hips, stomachs. He screamed in pain, his grip loosened on my waist a little bit. It's working! I started to wriggle from his grip.

Sensing my intention, he tighted it again. Damn! He is clever. He began to drag me fast. I gave a deathly punch on his knees in the hope that it would work.

He screamed in agony and he bended a little. Before I could give another similar punch, he dragged me into a room and closed the door behind.

Shit, got serious!

He released the grip against my mouth and loosened the one against my waist. I quickly wriggled out of his grip. To my surprise, he didn't protest. Why would he? You're in his custody now!

I was about to shout when the lights flashed all around making my eyes blind for some milliseconds.

"We heartily welcome you to your new family, Alisha!" Everyone yelled in unison.

I looked around to see all my crew members, Jennifer, Dhoni, Rohit, Raina, Jadeja and almost all the players.

I stood there frozen on my place. It took me few seconds to comprehend the whole situation. I was pranked by my workmates.

"You guys scared the hell out of me!" I said, as I recovered from the shock.

Everyone laughed and at the same time someone behind me said, "You beat the hell out of me," He said mocking my tone.

I turned to see Virat fuming in pain. Oh! So he is the guy who dragged me from behind. Poor guy, I gave him my best punches. He must be strong because a normal person couldn't stand bearing my punches.

"You better consult a Doctor, Virat," I said worry evident in my tone.

"Seriously Alisha? What do you eat which made your punches so hard?" Virat questioned me in an annoyed tone.

"Not my food Virat, but my training for boxing which made my punches harder,"I replied as a matter of fact.

"Boxing?" Virat asked as if he was taken aback by it. I heard similar questions from others too.

"Yeah, what's wrong in it? I learnt it back in Delhi for my protection." I said, roaming my eyes around everyone.

"Thank God! I didn't take the job of dragging Alisha here," Rohit said in relief. Everyone laughed and I joined them too.

"How was this surprising welcome Alisha?" Raina enquired his enthusiasm was contagious.

"I have never be given such a lovely welcome bhai," I replied loaded with sarcasm.

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