#13 He vines/instavid you (secretly)

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Andrew-Andrew was pulling a prank on you. He told you to go get his phone charger in his room. Little do you know,Andrew was wearing a scary mask behind his door,holding his iphone. "Andrew?! It's not here!" You said. You looked everywhere. When you checked behind the door,Andrew yelled. 'WTF." You screamed running out of the room. He took off his mask,and came over to you. You ran away from him. You were mad at him for doing that. But on IG,you reached the popular with the instavid,"WTF." (lol)

Chris- Chris put up his speakers with some music,while you guys were cleaning his house for his mom. Your favorite song came on. You got a broom and used that as a mic. Chris laughed and got his Iphone. You were stilling using the broom,and sang. He posted it on IG. Later you found out that he recorded you."CHRIS.WTF. WHY'D YOU INSTAVID ME." You started yelling at Chris xD

Julian- You and Julian were watching his fetus videos. (Before he went into puberty xD) When the video mix reached "Why Stop Now" video with Mikey,Louis,Nick,Thomas,Madison , you and him started dancing. You knew the dance since you watched this a million times before. Julian then got his Iphone,stopped dancing and recorded you dancing. Little did you know that you were still dancing,and you didn't notice Julian stopped dancing.  You then saw yourself in the popular page. (x

Jason-Ever since  Wherever You Wanna Go came out,you loved the song. If you ever heard  the word Wherever you started singing WYWG ^(Wherever You Wanna Go) . But this time,Jason got your laptop and put WYWG on. You started dancing and going around the house singing it. Jason recorded you and put it on Vine. 

John-While you guys were shopping,you and John saw a photo thingy to put your heads in. You then went to it and put you head there. "John take a photo of me!" You said. Little did you know he recorded you saying stuff like,"MY HEADS TOO SMALL." , "MY HAIR OMG. STAY." , "DID YOU TAKE A PHOTO YET JOHN." You kept on saying. And there you go on Vine...

Louis- You were at the pool,in your backyard. Louis got his speakers out. Then your favorite song came on. You were singing around the pool. Louis got his Iphone and recorded you. He caught the funniest moments. Like one,while you were running around the pool,singing your favorite song,you slipped and fell into the pool. 2, you were about to jump in until you favorite line came on,and you failed on jumping in. Vine popularity here you come.

Madison- You were on your Ipad,and Iphone waiting for your name to be called on your favorite music radio station. You entered to see if you won your favorite musicians tickets. They were in town. "YN YLN is our winner! You have 24 hours to call back to get you tickets." The announcer said.You were crying,screaming,and going around the house. Madison was happy for you. But I guess he was so happy for you that he vined you... Let's just say you were known for;" Extreme Fangirl Master." xD

Mikey- You were trying to rap to Mikey's verison of The Motto by Drake. You were starting to get in it(lol) . He then thought you got the hang of it and recorded it. Let's just say Instavid people were very kind to you and called you,"The best girl rapper." 

Nick M-You guys both went to this asian food store. You guys bought everything,to try out. You then got into ustream and did the taste test,and tried everything with Nick. Nick then recorded every bit of your face reaction. (Sour,sweet) Lol. He kept laughing and watching the ustream over and over again. The same with the Vine.

Tristan-You guys were at the beach with the Rubianos. You had to babysit your baby sister too. So when you guys first step out of the car,you and your baby sister run out screaming,"THE BEACH!" . Then Tristan caught your baby sister throwing sand everywhere. She then missed,and threw it in your face instead of the ground.... He then posted those moments on IG/Instavid.


AN: sorry if I only did some!

ICONic Boyz/ToBeOne Imagines&PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora