#16 How you met him

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Andrew- You met him by his parents. His parents and your parents were working at the same job. And one day it was bring your child/children to work day. And that's where you met him.

Chris-You met him by your cousin's birthday party. Your cousin has been going to the same school with Chris. Then one day it was your cousin's birthday. She invited her whole friends in every single class and well. From there you saw Chris.

Jason-You met him by his twin sister,Sarah. You and Sarah were best friends at school. You didn't know she was twins with THE Jason Smith.

Jericho-You met him by going to a baseball game. He was sitting right next to you,on your right. You guys kept on  talking and didn't really pay attention to the game,and from then on you guys got close. You know what happens next(;

Julian-You met him by his little sister,Jade. You were volunteering at a elementary school near your house,since you had nothing to do in the summer. (It was already summer vaca for some people except for elementary school.) And you were volunteering for Jade's class. When the bell rang for the kids to be dismissed to go home,Jade got picked up by Julian. You know what happens next(;

Louis-You met him by his sister Ang. (Angelica) . Well your sister actually. Your sister and Ang has been going to the same school.  Your sister is best friends with Ang. But there's this one time that she brought her little brother with her. You didn't know that she was a Dipippa..

Madison-You met him by Mikey. You and Mikey has been best friends since you guys were born really. But Mikey said that there's this one guy who's single just like you. You dedicided to meet him. You guys talked for a few hours and got to know each other well. A few weeks later,you guys have got really close now. And he made his move(;

Mikey-You met him by your dad. Your dad is a music producer. And you got to see him for once to do a music production. You saw Mikey,Madison,Jason,and Louis sing. Mikey was looking at you the whole time while he was singing his solo. From then on,he was heads up for you if you know what I mean ... (;

Nick M-You met him by his dance workshop with KK. You and KK were best friends. So for once,you went to one of her workshop. Then,you spotted Nick. Let's just say you hit it off pretty well(;

Nick R- You met him by the Nappytabs dance convection. You guys were paired up for a dance.After the dance,you guys talked for a while. Next thing you know you guys were best friends,and you guys were together.

Tristan-You met him by his little brother Alex. Your little sister and his little brother were play mates. Until Tristan came to your house to pick up Alex. You noticed him standing at the door. He was perfect you thought to yourself. You let him into your house,and you guys talked for a while. 

Thomas-You met him by Makenna. You were babysitting her. Thomas was picking her up. Then next thing you know he gave you his number.

Vinny-You met him by buying nutella at a local grocery store. You were looking for nutella at a Aile. You saw one. Only one. You saw another boy looking for one too. You were about to grab it. Until both of you guys grabbed the last nutella... "No you can have it." the guys said. "You sure?" You said. "Yea." the guy said. You guys then chatted and hit it off wellll (;

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