#1 What you guys do when you're out

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Vinny- You guys go to walmart,and you get inside the cart. Vinny pushes you. You buy all the Nutella things that they have. Like regular Nutella, Nutella to go, etc.

Nick M- You guys go to a near by park. You guys remember the memories that you guys had in your childhood together. You guys were just 5 and met at the park. He asked whats your name,and you said (Y/N). Ever since then,he asked you to go the park every day to hang out. 11 years later,he askes you out where you guys first met. 

Nick R- You guys go to a near by fro-yo place. You get a chocolate one,with oreo crumbs,and chocolate syrup with a cherry on top. Nick got the same thing as you. You guys got each of each others cherry,and fed it to each other.

Mikey- You guys went to a restaurant where he asked you out. You shared all the memories.

Jason- You guys went to a library. You guys studied,and read the whole day through. You guys went to a seat. "Remember when we both sat here,and read?" Jason said. "Yes. And we were just strangers back then.."

Louis- You guys went to the recording studio where he records his songs. You tried to sing and Louis accidentally recorded it.

Julian-you guys went back to ICON to dance for a while. No one else was there except for you and Julian. Julian asked Geo earlier if he could stay here after a few chours of class. You guys danced for 4 hours.

Jared-You guys went his house.You guys watched a chick flick. You guys cuddled,and kissed. At the end,you guys cried. (lol)

Andrew-You guys went to a Broolyn Nets game.They won. "Woooo hoo!" You both said. You guys shared a kiss.

Jericho-You guys went on a date. You guys were on top on a buliding,eating dinner with him. You were celebrating your 6 months together.

Tristan-You guys went to a carnival. You guys rode every roller coaster that they had there. The last thing you guys rode was the ferris wheel. You guys made it to the top. You guys shared your kiss there. "Happy 10 months baby girl." He said.

Josh-You guys went to a near by Baskin Robins. You guys shared a vanilla ice cream cone.

John- You guys went to Disneyland. You guys loved everything Disney. You guys were just best friends. When you guys reached Cinderellas castle,John bent down and said,"YN I love you so much. I want to be more than best friends,and you know that. So will you be my girlfriend,YN?" You were crying tears of joy. You said yes. You guys hugged,and got into a deep passionate kiss. Everyone was in awe.

Chris-You guys went to a Dodgers game. "Go Dodgers!" Chris said. Later in the game they won. You guys cheered. You guys kissed each others lips. "OOOOOO." Everyone said. You were on the big screen. You blushed.


AN: Sorry I didn't get to do Thomas,Madison&Joey didn't have anymore ideas(x . Request me some imagines,ideas,and personals! Just message me(: Sorry if they suck!);

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