27- Fugitive

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At one in the morning you hear a knock on your door. It's very odd for someone to come over this late. You just hope they'll go away by not answering, but they're not giving up so soon.

You get off your bed and slowly walk to the door. You peek out the window and see its a tall man. Very strange, he doesn't look familiar.

Afraid, you decide to answer the door. Carefully, you turn the doorknob and stare at the man.

"Mika?!" You try not to say loudly.

"Hi." He gives off his famous smirks, which are extremely hot.

"What are you doing here, your supposed to be i-"

Mika cuts you off, "Yeah I know, but I came for you."

"For me?" You pull his arm and let him inside. You lock the door and make sure no one is outside watching. Mika was taken to jail about three years ago for murdering one of his friends. They gotten into a huge argument over stuff and things really got out of hand. But that was before Mika was diagnosed with his problems. Still Mika denies his problems.. but clearly he has them. "Mika why?"

"Because, I love you. Remember that day I was going to jail?" He raises his eyebrows a little.

"Yeah.." You nod.

"And I yelled that I will make sure to see you."

You nod again.

"Well, here I am!" He laughs and smirks.

"Mika, you know the consequences! Plus I have consequences too now!" You tell him.

"I'll take care of them." He says.

"No Mika, if someone sees you here, you're in deep trouble, worse than you probably were before."

"Like I said, I'm going to take care of them."

"How Mika?!"

"We'll move, we'll move to a different country."

"Mika, your face is going to be all over the news, the cops are going to be all over the streets and guess what?" You tell him.

"What?" He asks with a small smirk.

"The first place they're going to check is here, because they now we have a close bond together, so you better get your ass out of here before things get worse." You answer him.

"You're thinking way too much, that'll never happen, I got this under control." Mika says while peeking out of the window.

"How? By killing everyone that stands in your way, like you did to your friend?"

"Y/N! You shut the fuck up about that! That was an accident!" He shoots an evil glare to you.

You look down.

"Hey, hey, hey.. Baby I'm sorry." He hugs you tightly. "I didn't mean to yell, I- I don't have my medicine with me. But listen, we're going to be okay."

You nod as you lay your head on his chest. "Mika, I do love you, but I'm just scared for you."

"I know, I am too." He whispers quietly and kisses your forehead.

"You're still that loving Mika that I always knew." You look up at him.

He smiles then stares into your eyes. He leans closer to you then kisses you softy. "I miss this." He says.

"I miss this too." You smile at him. Your phone starts buzzing. You pick it up and look at it. Your face turns worried.

"What? What is it?" Mika asks.

"They- they're looking for you, Mika." You hand him your phone and bury your face into his chest.

He holds you as he reads the description the police sent to everybody. "No. This can't be happening."

"Mika, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, I thought I got this all right, but I'm a screw up. I screw up everything." He sits down and wipes his eyes.

"No you're not." You tell him.

He looks at you with a small smile. Then loud knocks bang on your door.

"Mika." You cry out quietly.

He hugs you and looks at you, "I love you, Y/N, okay, I want you to know that." Then he kisses you again.

"I love you too."

He let's go of you and runs to your bedroom, you see him open your window and jump out, then he closes it. And he's gone.

You hurry to the door and answer it, there stand two policemen.

"Hi ma'am, have you heard about Mika Penniman escaping?" One of them says.

"Yeah, I just got it on my phone."

"Have you seen him lately? We figured he would come here first." The other one with a beard says.

"No I haven't seen him at all." You lie.

"Okay, thank you very much ma'am, have a goodnight." The one with the beard says as the other skims the room while you talk.

Finally the policemen leave. You go into your bed and lay down. "Mika, you better run fast." You look at the window.

A few months later, the police never found Mika. You haven't heard from him at all, you figured he might be died, but deep down you know that's not possible. In the middle of the night, you hear small pebbles being thrown at your window. You get up and open it. "Mika?" You see him in a black hat and jacket.

"I told you I'll be back." He smirks.

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