11- Homeless

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You now live on the streets. Your parents kicked out for not doing anything around the house. Which you have to admit, you do sorta agree with. You're already an adult no job at all.

You look down at your shoes. You sigh, this life is horrible. It was cold, and nothing to do at all. All you did was sit and politely ask for money. It was horrible.

As the days passed and you watched the people walk the street every day, you noticed one man. A very tall man. He walk down this street every single day. At least the days you saw him, which was everyday. He looked pretty rich. He had a nice jacket on, and he always wore different color pants every day. 

Then one day he stops. The tall man looks at you. He doesn't do anything but just look at you. You look up at him, then he smiles.

"Hi." He says quietly."

"H-hi." You reply, a little nervous.

"Mind if I sit by you?" He asks nicely."

"Sure." You watch him sit by you. This was sorta awkward. No one has ever done this to you, ever.

He looks over at you, "So.. do you live out here?" His hazel eyes stare into yours.

You nod slowly. He mouths the "Oh" while nodding his head. 

"I always see you out here. I just never had the guts to talk to you." He says breaking the silence.

"I'm surprised you did. No one talks to me anymore." You say staring at your shoes.

"Well.. now you got me!" He says with a smile.

You smile and chuckle a little. "Yeah, I guess so."

"I'll make sure to come here everyday." He says.

"You always come here everyday." You giggle.

"How do you know!?" He laughs.

"Well, with your very colorful pants, you stand out a lot."

"Hah, yeah." He chuckles.

"They're nice pants though. Not making fun of them or anything."

He smiles. "Why thank you." He looks at his watch. It seems to take him awhile to tell the time but he finally says, "I better go, I don't want to be late for work." He stands up and brushes off his pants.

You nod and give him a small smile.

He shoves his hands in his pockets and dig around in them for something. He pulls out a few dollars (pounds, ect). "Here, it's all I got on me right now. Hopefully it'll do until tomorrow." He hands you the money.

"Thank you very much." You take them money and put it into your pockets. He smiles and walks off. You watch him leave with a smile plastered on your face. Something about that guy, he was really kind.

You start thinking about the guy again. Crap, you didn't catch his name! How embarrassing and rude not to ask. You ignore that thought and began to fall asleep. 

You feel a very chill breeze hit your face. You suddenly wake up freezing. You wrap your arms over your body, trying to keep yourself warm. It doesn't help much, but it'll do for now.

At the corner of your eye, you see a tall man with bright yellow pants on. You look at him and catch his eye. He comes up, and looks down at you, and gives you his hand. You give him a weird look, not knowing what he was doing.

"Grab, my hand silly, I'm going to help you up." He says with a small chuckle.

You have no idea what he's going to do, but you do what he says. You grab his hand and he helps you up.

"You must be freezing." He wraps his arm around your waist and brings you closer to him.

"Y-yeah" You shiver.

He notices, then takes off his jacket.

"No, please don't. I don't want you to be cold." You tell him.

He doesn't bother listening to you, and ignores your command. He puts his warm coat over your shoulders.

"Where are you taking me?" You ask.

"I was going to take you to my house, if you don't mind. It's to cold for a young lady like you to sleep out in this weather."

You look down and smile at what he tells you. How sweet, he actually cares about you.

"If you don't mind me asking? I haven't caught your name?" He asks as you two walk.

"Y/N" You reply.

He smiles at you, "What a beautiful name. I'm Mika." 

"Thank you." You smile. "And you have a nice name as well, is there a special meaning to it or something?" You ask him.

He starts to laugh, "My name means plastic bag." 

You start laughing with him. "I still like it though." You tell him with a smile. He smiles back, then you two get to his house. He opens the door and leads you inside.

"Here we are." He says. You look around his house. "It's a nice house."

"Ehh, nothing to nice about it, but thank you." He smiles. "You should go take a warm shower, I must get to work, I don't want to be late. I'll see you later, Y/N" He quickly rushes out the door.

You get to his bathroom and make sure your all clean when you finish. His house was nice, why didn't he agree?

Hours pass and finally you hear someone open the door. "Hi Mika." You smile at him.

He notices you wearing his white t-shirt and a pair of his sweatpants. Then he quickly looks at you. "Oh! Hi!" He fakes a laugh.

"Something wrong?" You ask.

"No, nothing is wrong. It- It's just.." He says not looking at your face.

"It's what?" You give him a weird look, then notice he's not making eye contact with you. "Oh!" You say shockingly.

He quickly looks at you, "It's just you're really beautiful.." He blushes.

You blush and look down. "Thank you, I guess?"

He comes closer to you, "I think I might like you." He says embarrassed.

"Oh?" You reply, not knowing not to say.

"Yeah.." Then, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a hug. "I like you a lot."

You look up at him your cheeks bright red. 

"That's why I was to nervous to talk to you when I see you." He admits. 

You slightly smile then lean closer to his face. Then Mika's lips touch yours, and finally start to kiss you softly.

"I'm in love with you." He pulls his lips away from yours. Your face is bright red.

A rich man, fell in love with a homeless person. People thought it was weird, but you two don't agree a single bit. You were in love with the one and only singer, Mika.


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