9- Anniversary

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It was you and Mika's third anniversary of dating. You were excited. You two were going to a nice restaurant like you two do every year. Mika left you home alone so you can get ready, he says he'll pick you up in two hours.

That seems like a lot of time, but really for you it wasn't. You quickly get into the shower and wash up. When you're all clean and refresh, you get out of the shower and quickly wrap yourself in a towel, before you get freezing cold. You then go in your closet and pick out your favorite dress.

You make sure you're all dry and get your undergarments on (i really don't know, don't judge me xD) and put on the dress you chose. You then quickly blow dry your hair and do your hair, the style you like. You open your drawer and pull out your makeup, and do that sorta quickly. But it still looks good. You look at the time, you only had ten minutes until Mika comes and gets you.

Which is very surprising, because usually you need more time to get ready. In exactly ten minutes, Mika is at the door.

You open the door and his mouth hangs wide open, "Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous." He says and looks at you, then he hands you, your favorite dozen of flowers he got you.

"Thank you Mika." You blush. Then he takes your hand, and both of you get into the car. You put on your seat belt, and so does he, and he starts up the car, and drives to the restaurant. He parks then he gets out of the car, and opens the car door for you to get out.

You smile, then he grabs your hand and both of you walk in. The person who works there, takes you to your table. You have to admit, Mika did a great job choosing the table.

He smiles at you, then a well dressed, waiter comes over to your table. "What would you guys like to order?" He asks.

You and Mika order the exact same thing, then you both get champagne to go with it. About ten minutes later, the same waiter comes back with your twos, food and drinks. He sets the food down, giving yours first, then Mika's. He smiles at Mika then leaves the table.

Both of you eat your food. It's so delishous. It's the best food you ever had. Then you pick up your glass and take a sip out of it. You look inside the glass, and see something floating around at the bottom. Strange, you never had this happen before, especially at a nice resturant like this.

You grab your fork and scoop it out. You lift the fork out and you can't believe your eyes. It was a ring. Not just any ring, a wedding ring. Mika smirks at you then gets down on his knee and grabs your hand.

He takes the ring from you and says, "Y/N, ever since I laid eyes on you, I fell deeply in love with you, we always have our ups and downs, but we always know how to solve them. Y/N, will you be the love of my life forever and marry me?" He looks into your eyes.

You start crying from happiness, "Yes, Mika! Yes!" He puts the ring on your finger and hugs you tightly. He looks at you and wipes your tears. "I love you." He says.

"I love you too, Mika." 

He smiles widely and kisses you passionately. You will finally be a Mrs. Penniman.


Sorry for not updating in awhile, forgive me pls <3

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