3- Lies, Lies, Lies

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Mika, he was your boyfriend for a few months now. He was so sweet to you, at least that's what you thought. People disagreed and said he was a player. You knew that was a complete lie, they were just jealous.

Today was a date night with him. You were so excited because you haven't seen him in so long, he says he was "busy". And of course, you believe him, because he's your boyfriend!

You go to your room and open your closet. You take out a very nice dress and your favorite heels to go with it. You get ready and do your make up. Time goes by slowly and you patiently wait. 

He said at exactly 7pm he would be at your door. You hoped he wasn't lying. Last time he was two hours late. You sigh and wait.

Your phone goes off, it's Mika. He says, sorry hun, traffic is busy, I'll be there shortly." At least he remembers. You smile and wait longer.

It turned out that "shortly" meant an hour. He was two hours late again! What's going on!?

Ten minutes later a knock on your door, you open it and see Mika.

But it wasn't the Mika you always see. He looked horrible.

"What's wrong?" You ask while you check him out. His hair was a absolute mess, his tux jacket looked like it was just thrown on and his bow tie was all crooked. Mika's bow tie was NEVER crooked. It was always perfect. Was he okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine." He lean down a little and kisses you. But it didn't feel like a loving kiss. And his lips tasted like lipstick. This wasn't right. There was no absolute way this was right. Mika was not like this at all.

"Mika, your lips taste like lip stick." You point out. He gives you a weird look and wipes his lips with the back of his hand. He looks at it and ignores it. You glance at the back of his hand and noticed a small tint of red lip stick.

What the hell was going on?

"Mika, tell me the truth, where did you get that lipstick from?"

"Nothing." His voice sounds tired, like he was drunk or something. His eyes were all black from being tired. He was lying to you. Mika never lies to you, EVER.

"You're lying." Your eyes water. He was hiding something from you. 

"Babe, I would never lie to you. I love you to much to even think about doing that." Mika told you rubbing his hands through your hair.

Don't fall for it! He's just trying to trick you! You kept telling yourself.

Lies, lies, lies. All he told. "You're cheating on me? Aren't you?!" You blurt out and push him away from you.

His eyes widen, and his mouth drops open. He looks around the room trying to think of an excuse.

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