21- He Catches You Cheating On Him

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"Mika? What's wrong babe?" You ask as you enter into your house and find Mika sitting on the couch with his hands covering his tear stained face.

"Why don't you explain?" He looks up at you, his eyes were all red and puffy from crying.

"W-What are you saying..?" You ask confused.

"You know what your hiding, don't lie to me! You've already lied to me enough!" His voice raises and gets angrier.

"Mika, I'm not hiding anything from you." You tell him.

"Well you weren't at work! I found out you had a day off, so tell me where you were." Mika commands in a stern voice.

"I was to at work.." Your voice trails off as Mika yells again.

"You weren't at work god damnit! Tell me where you were!"

Tears begin running slowly down your face. "I- I.."

"You what?!" Mika stands up.

"I was at Max's house, okay?!" You confess. Your whole body just wants to cuddle up into a ball and cry. You just confessed you were at another guys house. Worst thing is that, Max is in Mika's band.

"What the hell?! What were you doing there, tell the truth." Mika commands.

You don't respond, Mika looks at you in disgust.

"Don't tell me you did it wi- Oh my god! Y/N what the hell!? That's my fucking band mate for God's sake." His face goes into disgust and hurt at the same time.

You just look at him, you have no idea what to say. You know this was wrong. "I'm sorry." You stutter out.

"I don't want to hear it. You fucking disgust me." Mika leaves the room and goes into the bedroom.

"Mika please!" You chase after him. You find Mika packing his clothes in a box, throwing things everywhere as he looks for his belongings. Tears run down his cheeks, his whole face is red. "Mika, please, I'm sorry." You apologize.

"I'm not forgiving you this time. I'll never forgive you for this. This is all your fault. I fucking loved you Y/N!" Mika says while stuffing clothes into his box.

"I know, I did something wrong, please let's work this out!" You beg for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry Y/N, after all the horrible things you've done, I'll never forgive you for this. Never." He finishes packing and looks at you while he wipes his tears.

"Mika, please, I still love you."

"If you loved me then why did you go bang one of my band members. You're a sick person!" He carries his box and leaves the bedroom.

More tears come out of your eyes, "Mika.." You say as you watch him open the front door.

Mika looks behind and looks at you. Hurt was read all over your body. "I hope you're happy. You deserve him, not me." He slams the door and leaves.

Well.. This was kinda depressing. Hope you enjoy.

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