"Very good, Clarissa. No, take a smaller sip. Hold the cup just so-" she demonstrated with her own cup- "and discreetly wipe your mouth after you sip, like so."

"Yes, Your Highness."

She fought to keep the exasperation out of her voice.

"Are your legs still crossed at the ankles?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

This was dreadful.

"Alright. You're done with tearoom ettiquite for today. Let's move on to sewing."

And so the day went.

Clarissa took pains to learn sewing, stabbing herself more than a few times. She learned knitting, crocheting, and embroidering, as well. By the time dinner came, her poor pointer finger was swollen and all she had to show for it was a sloppy riding tunic with a messy silver pattern, and two scarves she would never wear. 

"We'll return to sewing and embriodering tomorrow, though I think you've mastered crocheting and knitting. Go dress for dinner."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Clarissa curtsied and let herself out of the room as quickly as possible.

She literally ran straight into Xavier outside the ballroom. She grabbed his shoulder to steady herself, stuttering an apology as her balance came back.

"Xavier!" she exclaimed.

He looked around before pulling her in for an intimate hug. 

"How have you been?" he asked.

She reached for a piece of black silky hair that had come loose from his pony tail and tucked it behind his ear.


He chuckled. She smiled. He was so beautiful.

"I figured. Tearoom ettiquite and sewing wasn't fun?" he asked in a faux-shocked voice.

She glared at him. "I would rather die than do that again."

He full-out laughed this time, despite the daggers she sent him with her eyes.

"At least you look the part," he said, wiping his eyes.

She grinned. "Are you saying I look pretty enough to be a princess?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

He kissed the tip of her nose. "Even prettier."

She blushed happily and squeezed his waist for a moment. "Why, thank you, Prince."

"You are very welcome, Princess."

She loved being with him. The five minutes they'd spent together already made her whole day worth it. 

"You know, I would do this day all over again and again and again if it meant I could marry you," she told him. "It's all worth it."

His eyes warmed and his dimples popped out. "That's very nice to hear. I'm so glad you're here, Clarissa."

She returned his smile. "Me, too."

He leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled away teasingly.

"Don't you know it's not proper for a prince and a princess to kiss before they're betrothed?" she asked him a fake shocked voice.

He frowned. "But-"

"Anyway, I have to dress for dinner."

He groaned. "Fine."

Before he knew what was coming, she stood on her very tiptoes and kissed his cheek, then was gone.

She looked back from the top of the staircase and waved. He was watching her go, the softest smile on his face and his hand on his cheek.


Clarissa perfected sewing and embroidering as January morphed into February. She perfected ettiquite and dining before she could move on to horseback riding, archery, and physical fitness.

She was very excited for this new set of lessons, because Xavier would be accompanying the queen in her lessons. There would be no more frivolous, girly lessons. Now she could run and ride a horse and shoot a bow and arrow and feel the sun on her face and the wind in her hair.

Her servants dressed her in a corset and velvet gown, along with heeled riding boots for her first day.

She frowned. Already it was different from what she was used to. How did one move in this ridiculous outfit?

She ate a ladylike breakfast, but all but ran to the training grounds for her horseback lesson. Xavier stood in a loose white cotton tunic. His pale skin was bright, his hair a dark contrast, and his eyes were gleaming. 

She curtsied, and he made a little bow. They grinned at each other.

"This is Dominic," the queen announced, gesturing to the horse that Clarissa hadn't noticed until now. It was towering and strong, silky and black. Its eyes were soft, but had a playful, competitive gleam in them. Clarissa instantly liked it. It must have liked her, too, because it nudged her with its nose. She stroked it, murmuring to it.

"Is it a girl or boy?" she asked.

"Boy," Xavier muttered, sounding dazed.

She looked up to see Queen Isabelle and Xavier with astounded looks on their faces.

"Why so shocked?" she asked, patting Dominic one more time before pulling away. The horse followed, nudging her again. She giggled and went back to petting him.

"Dominic has never taken to anyone outside the family. Ever," the queen told her. "And he is infatuated with you."

Clarissa smiled, cheeks warm. She suddenly felt very special.

"Anyway, let's teach you to mount him."


She learned the correct way to be ladylike and regal while climbing on a huge horse. She learned to sit side saddle, and to ride regularly while still being ladylike. She was sweating by the time they got to really ride.

"You look very regal," Xavier told her as he trotted up next to her on his white horse.

"Do I? I feel silly."

"A princess must  never feel silly for being ladylike," the queen told her as she joined them.

Clarissa looked over at her and wished she were as elegant and beautiful as the queen.

She looked over at Xavier and the look on his face told her she was getting there.

She smiled to herself and looked down at Dominic, wishing she could take many more rides like this one in the future.

Then she returned to the stables and left the horse with an apple, telling him she would return soon. 

It was time for archery.


Clarissa laid in bed after the longest day here so far. Her muscles ached and she was exhausted. Other princesses were due to start arriving soon, and she was getting more and more anxious.

But she fell asleep with a smile on her face and hope in her heart.

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