“Rowan, is that all you’ve done today?” Lily asked me from over the phone as I looked around my room filled with books, clothes, canvases, paint brushes, empty cups of ramen noodles, and a now melted half eaten cart of mint chocolate ice cream.

“No, I did brush my teeth this morning and I did hiss at the mailman today when he brought up my mail.” I replied with a smile as I remembered the incident this morning. I thought it was quite funny.

“Rowan, you cannot hide in your small loft all day. You’ll have to come out someday. It was one art exhibit, that doesn’t mean there won’t be more. And who cared about Anthony anyways?” Lily hushed me like a mother over the phone as I glared daggers at the photo of my ex-boyfriend who was hanging up on my wall with a knife between his eyes.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I replied nonchalantly as I frowned at my pieces of art that I had managed to destroy after the exhibit that had managed to be the worst night of my life.

A couple nights back I had an art exhibit which I was entered into, one of the biggest nights of my life because it was for Anthony’s company he worked at. Apparently they were hosting a charity event in London and since they saw one of my works in Anthony’s office they suggested I should come and show off some of my works. I was so ecstatic and I worked my ass off preparing for that night. That I wasn’t even aware that Anthony wasn’t showing interest at all, or that he was off cheating on me with some bimbo from his workplace. Long story short, I had sold one of my paintings and went in search of Anthony to tell him the news only to find him getting friendly with his receptionist in his office. Anthony just made the excuse that he was much more experienced than me and he just couldn’t find an easy way to tell me that he wanted out of the relationship. I knew I shouldn’t have ever dated a man five years older than my nineteen-year-old self. I stormed out of the place in a fury and took my paintings with me; I ended up destroying the paintings I took back home. And the only painting I managed to sell well half went to me and half went to charity, which was only like a hundred bucks. I was a striving artist in a distasteful art city.

“Hello, Rowan are you there?” Lily’s voice entered my ears again as I came back to reality not even realizing I was squeezing my teddy bears’ brains out.

“Yeah, I’m here.” I replied with a sigh. “Look I’m fine Lily, I’ve been painting again, though it hasn’t entirely been my best, but I’ve been painting like you said I should. And I go back to work tomorrow!”

“Not at the café again?”

“Of course the café, it’s my only source of income until I can start getting my paintings to sell.” I replied as Lily sighed. “What?”

“You can do so much better Rowan, your paintings are beautiful, they are extraordinary when you want them to be. But you hardly paint, you just say you’re going to paint, or that you lack inspiration or that this city doesn’t appreciate art.” Lily replied in what I liked to call her mom voice.

“Anyways the café is nice, they let me put some of my paintings up.” I replied indignantly. “And we both know it was a stupid idea for me to come up here for art, I should have listened to my mom.”

“No! You beautiful idiot, your paintings are gorgeous! The one that you painted of your dad with the piano is breath taking! If you put that out there and show people what you really can do, they’d actually take you seriously. Not the ones of your cat or of the scenery, that isn’t you and we both, know that. I’ve known you since we were six, and we both moved up here to follow our dreams.” Lily replied as I frowned into the phone.

“Says the one who’s one of the top models in Europe and is always traveling everywhere, while I’m here all by myself crawling my way through filth and starving to get by.” I replied angrily, “I had to drop out of art school because I can’t afford to pay for it anymore while you are out there in the real world living your dream.”

“If you just showed people the real you and not this persona you decide to paint—“

“I show people the real me, they just don’t like my art because this place wouldn’t know what art was if it hit them right in the face.” I replied with a frown, “I just don’t belong in the real world. I belong in a world where I know I’d belong.”

“Rowan, you can’t go to Hogwarts or Hogsmeade or anything! It’s a story! I like Harry Potter too, but it’s time to grow up and to realize you’re an adult now.” Lily replied in her mother voice again as I growled into the phone, “Don’t growl at me Rowan.”

“You just don’t understand, you have your life all settled for by looking pretty, while I actually have to look besides counting on my looks. I actually have to have a job.” I replied bitterly as there was silence in between the phone. I immediately regretted what I had said, “Lily, I didn’t mean—“

“No, it’s whatever. Anyways I’m at the location I’m suppose be for work, I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later Rowan.” Lily replied and then she was gone. I groaned as I put my phone back down on the bed.

“I’m such a death eater.” I replied with a frown as Dobby rubbed next to my leg and purred. I picked up my tabby as I looked into his oversized green eyes. “But she just doesn’t understand what its like to be me, Dobby. I can’t just get jobs over my appearance and my art had been a bit mediocre, but there’s nothing here that inspires me anymore… Nothing like my books do.”

I placed Dobby on my bed as I stood up and looked at myself in my mirror. I was still wearing my pajamas, which included my Harry Potter snuggie.  My hair was onyx color and it went a little bit past my chest, however I usually had it up most of the time, while my eyes were a chocolate brown. My skin was fair, due to the fact I never really left my house and my lips were a nice rosy color. I wasn’t hideous by any means, in fact more human males did find me quite attractive, but the personality always drew them away it seemed like. Which I was fine with, I didn’t need a guy to complete me, though it was nice to have. I sighed as I lay down on my bed thinking about my harry potter book.

The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling was by far my favorite books, I loved all books equally, but Harry Potter always had them beat by just a tad bit more. And no one compared to the Weasley twins; charming, funny, a bit odd, optimistic, brave. They wouldn’t nearly make as much fun of me as the guys here do, I didn’t fit in with the rest of these muggles, even if I was one. I just wanted my own adventure; I just wanted my own taste in the magical realm of Harry Potter; To explore Hogwarts and taste the sweet taste of Hogsmeade, to be able to cast spells, to fly a broom, to be able to save Fred Weasley from his un-heroic death. If he was going to die, the least J.K. could have done was given him a heroic death.

Dobby laid on me as I looked up at my drawing of the Harry Potter world I had drawn when I had first read the books. It wasn’t even colored in yet. I smiled as I imagined myself running along with the Weasley’s trying to protect Harry, or meeting that old fart Albus Dumbledore and be awed by his wisdom. To be able to listen to Snape rant at me, only to know that he still loved Lily Potter. To be able to help Harry, Ron and Hermione find the horcruxes and beat Voldemort.

I just wish I had enough inspiration to paint something amazing like J.K. Rowling did when she wrote the Harry Potter series. I just wished I could help the characters find their way as well and to go on a great adventure.

“I just wish I could be a part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows…” I whispered to Dobby and myself as I felt a few of my tears falling from my eyes. Whether it be from the fact I was just a mere muggle or the fact I would not have anything inspire me to paint something beautiful was a mystery to me. I fell asleep that night wishing.

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