Chapter One

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            “And Percy was shaking his brother, and Ron was kneeling beside them, and Fred’s eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh etched upon his face.”


“Damn you J.K. Rowling!” I yelled angrily as I threw my favorite book off my bed causing my tabby, Dobby to jump off the bed and bolt for shelter. I groaned outwardly as I laid on my bed in sorrow. I hated reading that part, I could never go past that part cause from then on there would only be more deaths of my favorite characters like Tonks and Remus. It was a wonder how I was able to go on the first time I ever read that scene and to finish my favorite series. I growled to myself as I fumbled over and crawled to the book that lay upside down on the floor.  “I’m sorry I did that to you, but you just cause me too much pain sometime.” I hushed at the book that was on the ground. I carefully picked up the book and stared down at it.

“We really shouldn’t continue this relationship, it’s only going to be destructive for the both of us.” I said to the inanimate object as I looked at the cover. There was nothing there besides puke green with a diamond pattern on the front while a gold banner was over the spine of the book. I had ruined the cover with Harry’s face by throwing it across my room countless times, as well as in a tub of water.  “You’re right, we should take a break from each other.” I said quietly as I smiled down at the book and walked over to my bookshelf literally overflowing with books. I looked down at the last installment of the Harry Potter books one last time. “Till next time,” I replied as I set it down on the pile of Harry Potter books.

I quickly turned around as I noticed Dobby looking at me with his big green eyes from the doorway. “I apologize for scaring you Dobby, but what can I say? We have a love-hate relationship with each other.” I replied referring to the book as an actual object. Dobby meowed in response to me as he continued to stare at me; I stared back at him not breaking the stare. It was the reason I named my cat Dobby, he seriously had the biggest pairs of eyes on him just like Dobby in Harry Potter.

I heard my phone start to ring from across the room; it was the theme of Doctor Who, which meant that my best friend Lily was calling me.  I stared at Dobby, “This isn’t over Dobby, you may have won this round, but the next shall be mine!” I called out before I jumped over my bed like an Olympic star and flopped down on the floor like a fish out of water before I crawled my way to my phone, only to pick it up just in time for the phone call to end. “Well, that wasn’t at all what I had planned.” I replied with a glum face as I blew my dark hair out of my face before I called back Lily.

“Rowan, were you having a staring contest with Dobby again?” Lily asked me from over the phone, I could tell by her voice she was already irritated about something. I never understand how a girl with the name of one of the best characters in my favorite books could be so irritated all the time.

“I was.” I replied truthfully, my mother had always taught me to be honest, even if it was in bad occasions. “But in my defense, he did initiate it this time.”

“Did you throw Deathly Hallows across the room again and scare him when you got to Fred’s—“

“Don’t speak of such things!” I cut her off abruptly as she sighed over the phone.

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