The signs at a fancy restaurant

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Aries: "OMG please, pisces for the love of god I will make you sit out in the car."

Taurus:" Umm table for 12? "

Gemini: "actually 13"

Cancer: "Guys I only brought ten dollars "

Leo: *The one taking pictures of the food for instagram*

Virgo: * Forcefully crammed at the end of a booth next to libra* "Uhhmm"

Libra: "Oh my GOODNESS. Virgo, isn't this the cutest place you've ever seen? Don't you just love the decor! Do you think I can diy it?. . "

Scorpio: *Carving their name into the wooden table*

Sagittarius: "This was a mistake"

Capricorn: *Reading a book, drinking tea, not giving a fluff about the other signs*

Aquarius: *Changes order ten times*

Pisces: *Trips, almost bumps into a waiter with drinks* "Wow, that could have been bad" *Turns around, knocks an old lady into a fancy indoor fountain* "Everytime... everytime"

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