To O'kasis.... Part 9

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 Laurance's POV-

Garroth and I returned back to Phoenix Drop,  We just need to find Dante... Quick..I really hope Aphmau s okay.. I love her a lot and if I hear Zane laid one hand on her I will kill him or if he even killed he- NO! I CANT THINK LIKE THAT SHE IS ALIVE AND I KNOW IT!! GAHH!!! I felt a tap on my shoulder and I took out my sword.. I turn around seeing Garroth as our sword clashed together.


"S-sorry... I just was thinking and I guess... I don't know what came of me... I'm sorry Garroth .. But she might be in danger and I can't find Dante anywhere.." I said looking at the ground.

"It's fine and.. Standing there isn't helping either I'm looking for Dante and I don't know what you're talking about you have been standing there for the past 10 min." He said nudging me on the shoulder as he laughed.

"yeah well, I was still looking.." I said laughing.

"Yeah looking at the floor... Which means you already know what's coming" he chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"This!" he said as he tackled me. we both laughed. "See what happens if you stare at the floor for to long!" he said and we both laughed.

"Yeah, yeah.." I said getting up. I look up to see Dante starring at us.

"why are you guys fooling around shouldn't you be on your shift or something don't forget you have a village to protect and not to mention a lord who isn't in her house.. Where is she?" he asked.

"MOTHE OF IRENE WE FORGOT!!" Garroth and I said in sync as I saw him jump back on his feet from sitting on the ground.

"W-WHAT?! Why are you guys freaking out?! (you sound like girls when you scream) Dante said whispering under his breathe.

"WELL BECAUS- WAIT... What did you call me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh tell me what was it you needed me for?" He asked Garroth and I.

"We believe Zane took Aphmau to O'kasis we don't know why yet but for the villages' safety.. we need you to stay here and protect the village. your third in command after all..." Garroth said.

"W-wait that's not even a thing.. is it?" He asked.

"Just please do this we have to go now we cant be distracted any longer the more time we spend here the less chance we have of finding Lord Aphmau." Garroth said.

"Alright be safe you two" Dante said as he walked off.

*Time skip to when Garroth and Laurance are near O'kasis*

"How much farther every where we turn looks the same there are trees here and there...." I complained.

"Oh quit complaining Laurance we are almost there.. plus we are doing this to save Aphmau right?" He said.

"Yeah but how do you know where to go I feel like we are going in circles.. I feel like I've seen the big rock for about the 100th time..." I said pointing at the rock.

"Laurance your just dehydrated here have some water." Garroth said handing me a water bottle.

"Thanks" I said taking a sip of it.

As we walked a bit more 5 min. later we see a giant village..

"This must be O'kasis... right?" I asked.

"Nope!" Garroth said.

"Are you kidding me?!" I said yelling. as one O'kasis guard approached us.

"I was joking this is my home..." Garroth said as he approached the guard.

"Excuse me Sir but, do you have any business with the Lord?" The guard asked.

"No, but I am Lord Garte's Son Garroth Ro'meave.

"Alright you may enter but, is this man with green eyes and brown hair with you?" he said pointing at me.

"yes he is" Garroth replied.

"What business does he have to do here?" The guard asked.

"Dylan please.. let them in..." A voice said as the guard left.

Garroth's POV-

"Zane!! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH APHMAU?!" Laurance said running up to Zane with his sword to his neck.

"N-Now Little Laurance... I don't know what you mean by Having Aphmau here.. she isn't with me as you can see..." he said smirking.

"Drop The Act Baby Brother! We know she is here!" Garroth said.

"Alright I cant hide anything from you Garroth... but if you wish to see her then......Hmmm wait... AHA! PERFECT!..." he said laughing mockingly.

"What?" Garroth and I asked raising an eyebrow.

"you wish to see your Lord do you not? Well than you may see her tomorrow when you attend our wedding." he said laughing.


"Ah.. but she has and it would be a shame if you didn't attend after all that will be the last time you will see her so I recommend you come I bet she would be heart broken if you didn't come to the wedding... you should be honored to be invited... because after this you will never step foot in O'kasis ever again." Zane stated.

"GRRRR" Laurance placed his sword to Zane's chest pressing hard leaving a mark.. as a drop of blood falls down Zane's clothing following a stream of blood.

"Ehehe.. you think you have defeated me you fool!"He laughed as he transformed into this women.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Garroth yelled.

"Oh.. my name is Lillian.... and I will be putting you and your friend to rest." she said with a cocky voice. And before you know it Laurance and I blacked out completely.............

-Aphmau's POV-

" head... w-where am I?!" I began to yell as I try getting up I see my arms tied to the bet with chains.

"Your in your room sweet heart..." Zane said smirking at me.

"Leave me Alone GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" I yelled as I saw him approach me.

"Aww you poor thing" he said sarcastically as he began touching my chin.

"Please! Stop!" Get Away!!" I said bursting into tears.

"Alright have it your way... ill be back in an hour or so..." he said putting new cloths on the bed for me to wear.

"put these on and if you try to leave the door is locked and as you can see there is now windows so you have complete privacy..." he smirked as her unlocked the chains and left the room as I saw he was putting in a code.

"Damn it I couldn't see the pin he put in...." I said putting on the new cloths. "these are nice but revealing.. it will have to do.. my cloths are all ripped and dirty." I said as I laid back on my bed looking into the ceiling and thought to myself... and then drifted off to sleep.

WORDS: 1,176

HEY Guys! I enjoyed making this chapter! Please follow for more and vote if you like it if you have any suggestions don't be afraid to ask me anything in the comments! Love you all Bye~



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