Adventure Time Shenanigans

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you know those moments were there's a really long silence were you sort of drift off to another planet? Well, this was sort of like one of those. Remembering that I was staring at this stranger, I quickly looked down, my cheeks heating up. " Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention," I stammered, trying to turn my cheeks back to their normal colour, which only turned them a darker shade of pink. Stupid cheeks. He chuckled, his voice low.

"That's alright. I'm Matthew, but everyone calls me Matt," he said, sticking his hand out. Really? Hand shake? Alrighty then. I put my hand into his and shook it firmly before replying,

"I'm Alice but everyone calls me Ali." He smiled warmly before retracting his hand as I did the same.

"Do you live around here? I live at number 375," he asked, pointing at the door that was only a few metres from mine. I could be a serial killer that now knows were he lives, rookie mistake.

I nodded before saying sheepishly, " Yeah, I live in 371. I only moved in yesterday." He nodded understandingly. Great, now he knows were I lived. What if he's the serial killer and now knows where I live? I'm pretty sure he's not a serial killer, I mean just look at that smile.

" I guess we're neighbours then!" he said smiling widely, causing dimples to appear on his cheeks. I'm a sucker for dimples. Stay calm, Ali, stay calm.

I nodded, finally noticing the top he was wearing, a white polo sporting a familiar logo. " You go to that science university, right?" I questioned, gesturing to the logo, causing him to glance down, as if unsure of the top he was wearing.

"Yeah. What about you, do you go to Uni?" he asked, nudging his glasses, which had slipped down his nose. I smiled at this gesture, reminding me of my own experiences with glasses.

"Yeah, I actually go to the art school across the road from your University," I say, watching as his face filled with surprise.

"That's awesome! I guess I'll be seeing you around Ali." he said cheerfully.

" Probably. See you around Matt," I reply, waving as he continues down the hallway. I, Alice Gregory, socially awkward human being, have made a friend! 10 points for Gryffindor! Great, now I feel like watching Harry Potter.

I spent my afternoon watching Harry Potter and then went to bed, wanting to catch up on sleep before another day at Uni tomorrow. Remembering to set my alarm, I slipped into a dreamless slumber.

The next morning, I hurriedly got ready yet again, already dreading the New York Traffic I was bound to face. I actually woke up on time, I just got sucked into Adventure Time and before I knew it, I was running late. This is a classic example of how much I love Adventure Time, despite the act its aimed at a much younger audience. Oh well. I scurried out my door and locked it shut behind me before glancing in the direction of Matts door. As luck would have it, at that exact moment, he came striding out, clearly in a rush as well. He glanced over and smiled when he saw me, pushing the rim of his glasses up his nose and running a hand through his unruly brown hair.

"Adventure Time?" he questioned and I laughed at his accuracy. I nodded and smiled sheepishly as we both power walked towards the elevator, patiently waiting for it to arrive.

"Who doesn't love Adventure Time?" I asked as the light pinged and we climbed into the metal shaft.

"I'm pretty sure everyone in the world loves it, even those who haven't watched it," he replied confidently and I giggled at the concept. The light pinged and we both walked into the lobby, hastily pushing past people to get outside. Once there we both scanned the area for a taxi.

"Your going to Uni right? Why don't we just share a cab?" he asked and I have to say, it made sense, seeing as we were both going to practically the same place. I nodded and we continued in our attempt to claim a taxi.

We eventually got a taxi and spent the short drive getting to know each other better, which was fun. As the taxi pulled to a stop, we exchanged numbers and shouted good-byes before dashing off to our first classes.

Making several awkward grand entrances to my classes, I had finally completed another some-what successful day at Uni. Gold star for me. Catching a taxi home, I was excited to spend the rest of my day curled up on the couch watching Adventure Time and stuffing my face with every kind of junk food I owned. Unfortunately, fate had other plans.

When I got back, I got to my door in record time and searched my bag for my key. I searched for about ten minutes before I surrendered to the fact that I had locked myself out. I groaned loudly and threw my bag on the ground in frustration. Of course this would happen. Not knowing what else to do, I sent a quick text to Matt who immediately called back. After explaining my predicament, he said he would be home in ten minutes and offered the refuge of his apartment until I got a spare key. Agreeing, I waited patiently for my knight in not so shining armour.

Matt walked towards me, a huge smirk on his face, obviously trying to hold in his laughter. I sighed. "Go ahead, get it all out," I muttered, waiting patiently. He spluttered before bursting into hysterical laughter, which I have to say, was quite entertaining. After he had sobered up, we went into his apartment and I called reception, politely asking for a new key. I hung up and glanced around, my mouth dropping. On each wall, Matt had several posters of every super hero known to man.

"wow," I muttered, as he let out a chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I'm a little bit obsessed. See, I have this theory that we still have super hero's in this world today. I just need evidence to prove that my theory is correct, " he explained, glancing at me to catch my reaction. I was shocked but it didn't take long for a smile to spread across my face.

"Well, if I find anything, I'll be sure to let you know," I said jokingly, and we both laughed and continued chatting until my new key arrived and I bid good-bye to my super hero obsessed friend., unaware of how important his knowledge would be in the not too distant future.


A/N: I know its short but I wanted to put something up for you guys! So you can see that Matt is going to be important in this story, especially since he's a little obsessed with super hero's. Anyone else love watching Adventure Time?? I know I do :P Anyways, vote, comment, the usual. Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think so far! ~ Ashily101 xoxo

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