Chapter 13

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Addie's POV:

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder.

Harry: Hey Hun! Niall wants to talk to you outside.

Me: okay.

I walked outside and Niall had an angry look on his face. Wait! Why would he be angry? He's the one who screwed up!

Niall: how dare you spy on me like that?! We wouldn't even be in the mess if you would have stayed in your own fucking god damn business Addie! What is your problem?

Me: My problem?! You are the one who screwed up Niall! Don't you even try and put this on me you dick! I came out to get my purse and saw you two having sex in the car you arse hole! Get your fucking story straight before you accuse innocent people of things! Goodbye Niall.

I left him speechless and walked away. I went for a walk. Hmm! Burger King? No, Pizza Hut? Nope. Dairy Queen? Hell yes!

(I'm from America, so I don't know if you have that over there(;)

I went inside and ordered a large double fudge cookie dough blizzard, to go. And when that was made, I walked back to the tour bus.

When I opened the door, everyone, except Niall hugged me.

Liam: Addie! Where have you been? We have been worried sick about you!!

Niall: not everyone!

Louis: shut up you dick! Keep your head down and your mouth shut!

Harry: Addie, where have you been?

Me: well, after me and Nialls *little chat* I went to Dairy Queen to get a large blizzard.

Niall: Wow Addie, don't you think that's a bit much? You might get fatter than you already are.

I ignored him as the other boys gasped.

Liam: Niall! You never talk about a girls weight! Addie is a beautiful girl. And if you can't see it, then your blind as a bat arse hole.

Niall: wow! I've been called worse.

Louis: I bet you have. And what would that be?

Niall: Addie's boyfriend.

Okay, that did hurt. He is a dick! I don't need these boys standing up for me.

Me: listen here Niall, you are the one who fucked up! You need to stop all these little games, because they aren't working. Okay? And you know what else, that slut Ashlee, you can do much better than her. So shut the fuck up because you aren't getting to me. And you never will.

Niall: oh look, the whore finally stood up for herself!

Me: oh yeah, I'm the whore. I'm STILL a virgin, thank you very much, shut up Niall, and go keep your mouth occupied by eating all the junk food. And here, I'll start you off.

I dumped all my, now melted, ice cream on his head and ran to my bunk. I looked in my suitcase and took out the most harmful thing I saw.

One slit for Niall.

One slit for Ashlee.

One slit for my life.

One slit for my past.

One slit for everything.

One slit for Niall again.

One slit for being fat.

One slit for being ugly.

Slit, slit, slit.

I did 11 slits and put my razor away. I put bandages on my fresh cuts and crawled into my bunk. I cried myself to sleep and all I could tho k of is," I hope tomorrow is better."


Hey guys!!! I just waned to say that self harm is really bad! DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

If you need to talk to ANYONE, I'm here!

Kik: glynn02



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