Bleeding Love...

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Hi everyone, I hope you give me a very high applaud to this story, I dont really know how it crossed my mind to put it down, I just want to say it doesn't relate so much with Fahim, it is rather a story Fahim is told by his father.... ( Many have noticed I redid this chapter,it was a book, But I'd Rather have t in the BORED? session)

Hey, Why blabber? Read on.. :)


"Son what makes you so unhappy today?

Nazir asked his son just as he let him in through the front door. Malik squezeed himself to a corner and kept on sulking miserably, his mom had given him a good spanking for soililng his uniform in the football match that afternoon.

She had also given him a long lecture about being clean and systematic. "Son? His father was kneeling beside him now.

His hands wound around his feet as he brought them up against his chest protectively, "Dad? he echoed.

"I am tired of your wife!.... I need my own"

"Ha ha ha aha,very funny son, I know when you throw a tantrum like this, there is definately something wrong"

Fahim nodded his head virgorously as he moved closer to his father, "so then? he prodded

" I will tell you a story" Nazir said smiling. Cuddling in his father's laps Fahim litsened as his father began his story....


A boy and a girl were in love.

When the girl's father came to know
about their love, he did not like it at
all, and so began to protest about it.

Now it happened that the two lovers
decided to leave their homes for a happy

The girl's father started searching for
the two lovers but could not find

At last, he accepted their love and
asked them to come back home thru a

local newspaper. Her father said "If
you both come back I will allow you to marry the
guy you love, I accept that you loved
each other truly."

So in this way, their love won and they
returned home.

The couple next day went to town to shop
for the wedding dress. He was dressed
in a white shirt that day. While he was
crossing the road to the other side to
get some drinks for his wife, a car
came and hit him and he died on the spot.

The girl was devastated and lost her
senses. It was only after sometime that
she recovered from her shock.

The funeral and cremation was the very
next day because he had died horribly.

Two nights later, the girl's mother had
a dream in which she saw an old lady.
The old lady asked her mother to wash the blood
stains of the guy from her daughter's
dress as soon as possible. But her
mother ignored the dream.

The next night her father had the same
dream, he also ignored it. Then the
girl had the same dream the next night, she
woke up in fear and told her mother
about the dream. Her mother asked her
to wash the clothes with the blood


She washed the stains but some remained.
Next night she again had the same
dream. She again washed the stains but some
still remained. But again the next
night she had the same dream and this
time the old lady gave her a last
warning to wash the blood stain, or
else something terrible would happen.

This time the girl tried her best to
wash the stains, and the clothes
nearly tore, but some stains still remained.

She was very tired.

In the late evening the same day while
she was alone at home, someone knocked
on the door. When she opened the door
she saw the same old lady of her dream
standing at her door. She got very
scared and fainted.

The old lady woke her up... and gave her
a blue object, which shocked the girl.

She asked "What is this....?" The old
lady replied...








"This is Nirma Washing Powder"

"Washing powder nirma!

Washing powder

Doodh si safedi nirma se aaye

Washing powder nirma, Washing powder
nirma. Nirma"

10 ka 1, do pe ek free
(buy ten and get one for free)

I know how you are feeling now....

I have been through this too.

Don’t call me an Idiot, you wanted to hear the story yourself lol :)

keep smiling !!!!!!

Fahim and his Father are rolling on the floor with laughter, He sits up and looks at his Father adoringly, "I love you so much dad" he says as he gives him a bear hug, " I love you too son" He pats his small back and together they head out for an evening walk.


Tehe tehe if you are happy with this, fan,like comment and vote, I will upload a new chapter soon :)

Ivoryeyes. Peace

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