Chapter 15

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Sebastian laughed, his green eyes crinkling at Mitch's remark. "Relax, Mitch. She just assumed that out of nowhere, it's not like it's set in stone. Really, she's an apartment manager, not God," Sebastian said. Mitch raised an eyebrow. "Look, if it really bothers you, I'll tell her the truth when she comes back with the paperwork." 

Mitch sighed. "It's fine, Seb. I just didn't know what to think when you didn't say anything about it. It made me feel like... well, I don't know. It's silly," He said, laughing awkwardly. Sebastian set his hand on Mitch's shoulder reassuringly. 

"What's on your mind? You can tell me," Sebastian said kindly. Mitch shook his head. 

"I'd rather not talk about it. At least not until I've figured out what's going on. But when I do figure it out, you'll be the first to know," He said. 

"You promise?" Sebastian asked. 

"I promise. So does this mean you're not coming on tour with us?" Mitch asked, gesturing at Sebastian's soon-to-be apartment. Sebastian shook his head sadly. 

"I really want to go, I do. But I need to distance myself from Scott. Plus my parole officer said I should probably not travel considering I'm on probation. I'm just gonna try and get myself settled, start a new life for myself," Sebastian said.

"So you're really devoted to catering now, huh?" Mitch asked teasingly. 

"Yes, it's my passion. Every day in jail all I could think about was serving foods with names that most people can't even pronounce to rich snobs," Sebastian proclaimed, rolling his eyes. Mitch frowned at that. Working with Pentatonix earned him a more than decent amount of money... did that mean that Sebastian saw him as a rich snob? Sebastian noticed that Mitch had tensed up and thought about what he had said until realization hit him. 

"Mitch, I know you have money, but I'm not calling you a snob. I'm talking about the filthy stinking rich people that walk all over anyone that doesn't make as much as they do, okay?" He said, smiling down at Mitch. Mitch nodded. They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments, neither of them uttering a word. Mitch could've sworn that Sebastian had started leaning in to kiss him, and he went to pull away(because he did not need another replay of the night earlier that week where everything turned into a shit storm) but his body froze. Thankfully, he was saved by the apartment manager barging in. She looked startled as she saw the position they were in(standing side by side with Sebastian's arm around the shorter man's neck, their faces dangerously close to each to each other's). They jumped apart, Sebastian's ears reddening as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" She asked, seemingly worried. Mitch shook his head. 

"No, we're not even together," He explained. She raised her eyebrows at that, clearly doubtful of Mitch's statement, but said nothing. Mitch didn't even react, because he was too busy focusing on how hard his heart was pounding. 

And at how something in the back of his mind had wanted that kiss. 


Scott sighed as he entered the number into his cell phone, taking a deep breath. He didn't want to do this, he really didn't. But at the end of the day he knew that he had to do this. Otherwise he would always have that underlying guilt. He glanced at the picture on his mini ipad, of Kelsey Chavez holding her blue eyed but brown-haired son. She was looking down at Gregory and he was smiling delightfully at the camera. He took a deep breath. That could be my son... He thought. He pressed call before he could back out of doing it. As the phone rang he brought it up to his ear, silently hoping that she wouldn't pick up. 

"Hello?" He heart a familiar voice say on the other end of the line. 

"Hi, is this Kelsey Chavez?" He asked, trying to keep his voice from shaking. 

"Yes, who is this?" She asked. He gulped and tried to compose himself before speaking. The only reason he was doing this was for Mitch. He wanted to show Mitch that he could take responsibility for his own actions. He wanted Mitch to trust him again. In order for that to happen, though, he needed to fix his mistakes, so that Mitch would see that he was serious about changing. The love he felt for Mitch... it was so profound that his chest hurt at even the thought of losing his other half. He knew perfectly well that Sebastian and Mitch were hanging out right now, and he tried to not let it get to him. 

He knew his jealousy was out of hand. He knew that he was untrustworthy to Mitch. And he knew that those two factors could be the end to he and Mitch's relationship, which is why he was determined to fix it. For Mitch. For his relationship. 

"This is Scott Hoying," He finally said. There was no immediate response. 

"Are you trying to trick me, Victor? Is this come kind of sick joke? I told you to leave me the fuck alone. For real this time, because I'm not playing games. Look, I don't know who's phone you're using to call me-" 

"Whoa, Whoa. This is really Scott Hoying. Brother of Sebastian, your ex. Father of your child..." He said, his voice breaking at the last part. Kelsey was silent for a few moments before she burst out laughing. 

"Listen, I don't know who this is, but whoever you are I can assure you that Scott Hoying from high school is not Gregory's father. We never even had sex.  We kissed at that party but before things could get below the waist he started vomiting because of the alcohol. He passed out on the bed and I decided to go to sleep too because I was already pregnant. The only reason I told Sebastian that we had sex was to make him fight for me," She laughed humorlessly. "He ended up kicking me to the curb." 


"I don't know who you are and what you want, but I can assure you that Gregory's father is not either of the Hoying twins. If he were the child of Scott I would have started demanding child support checks a while ago, considering how famous he is," She said, laughing slightly at the end. With that the line went dead and Scott sat there, utterly and completely bewildered. 

A/N: I've had some differentiating comments regarding Seb and Mitch... so I'm still undecided about that. 

Hurray for PTX's second grammy! 

Also, does anyone have any good music recommendations? Besides ptx lol. I've been looking for new music and haven't had very much luck. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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