Chapter 12

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"Forgive you? Why would I need to forgive you, you've done nothing wrong," Mitch said, laughing but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Are you hiding something from me too?" I rubbed my neck and looked away from him. I didn't respond.

"Sebastian, what the hell? Tell me what's going on, right now, or you can get the hell out of my apartment," Mitch said firmly, and I knew that he wasn't joking. He had been lied to enough and I could tell that he wasn't going to put up with it for another second. I wouldn't either, in his position.

I hesitated. "Mitch, I want to tell you, but it's really not my place in doing so. Please just trust me and wait for Scott to tell you," I insisted, reaching out to rub his shoulder comfortingly, but he jerked away from me, standing up. He shook his head and rubbed his face with his hands. He stared at me in disbelief before speaking again.

"You know what? Fine. You want Scott to be here? Then he will be. Call him and tell him to come over," He snapped. When I went to tell him that Scott was probably asleep and he'd wake up Darian and Esther, he glared at me. "I don't give a fuck right now. You and him have been lying to my face for who knows how long and I'm not going to put up with it any more than I already have."

Seeing as Mitch was so soft spoken and kind, I knew that it might have

I reluctantly took my phone out and called Scott. Mitch deserves to know, I reminded myself. "Hey Seb, what's up?" Scott asked, sounding a little tired.

I glanced at Mitch nervously before answering. "Hey... so Mitch kinda wants to know... everything," I said. I heard a sharp intake of breath from his end, and I silently agreed. I should've known that this would all turn around to bite us in the ass... I thought, biting my lip.

"But... I told him that I'd talk to him tomorrow."

"Listen, Scott, I know that you're scared to tell him. I am too," I said, and Mitch's facial expression softened, going from annoyance to concern and worry. "I know that this puts me at risk of being to blame for you losing your boyfriend and you hating me once more... but Mitch doesn't deserve this."

"You think I don't know that?!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with worry. "Listen, I'll be there soon. I just really hope he doesn't hate me... or you."

I sighed. "Me too, Scott. Me too." I ended the call and turned to Mitch. 

"He's on his way," I told him. He nodded, and began cleaning up the coffee table, which held a nearly empty bottle of wine(most of which had been consumed by him), our wine glasses, some food wrappers, and his ear buds. I went to help him clean up, but he shook his head. I sat back down on the couch. To think, only minutes ago his lips were pressed against mine, I thought. I rubbed my eyes and wondered if Mitch would want to mention it to Scott. I considered asking him, but before I could get the chance Mitch was sitting next to me, about to speak. 

"I think he needs to know.. even if it was me acting out of... whatever it is that I'm feeling right now. I just really can't figure it out," He said, and I gave him a small smile. Right now, next to Mitch I felt vulnerable. The tough guy act that I usually put on was practically nonexistent, and my confident exterior had been stripped away. I didn't feel smug or confident... I didn't feel like myself. I just felt scared, and ultimately regretful. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have come back into Scott's life. He's probably gonna lose his boyfriend now, thanks to me, I thought. I picked up my glasses and cleaned them, before finally responding to Mitch. 

"Yeah, okay, he deserves to know," I responded quietly. Mitch laughed, and I looked up at him curiously. 

"I don't think he deserves anything. I just hate that I love him so much, and that I care about you so much, even though I want to hate the both of you," He said, shaking his head. "The thing is that I don't know what to hate you for." 

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