Chapter 9

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Sebastian's POV

"Sebastian, I really don't think you should do this," Grace said, sighing.

"Scott needs to pay," I said stubbornly. I knew that it would hurt my brother, but I also knew that he deserved it.

"You guys were teenagers when it happened," She reminded me. I raised my eyebrows. "What you need to do is talk to him about it. Don't yell, don't argue, just talk. You and Scott."

I groaned, taking off my glasses. I had the option to use contacts, but I was planning on sticking to glasses for the time being. And even though I knew that Grace had a point, I didn't want to listen to her. I wiped my glasses on my shirt.

"Grace," I said, putting my glasses back on. "This needs to happen."

"You're gonna regret it," She said softly.

"Why would I? Mitch is gorgeous, and he may be forgiving but I know that he'd blow a damn fuse if he found out about it," I said, smiling slightly.

"Why can't you just let it go?" She asked me. "If you make a Frozen reference I will end this friendship." I grinned while she glared at me.

"Because I can't hold it back anymore," I said, laughing when she threw her sunglasses at me. She crossed her arms and shook her head.

Grace and I had met through Kirstie. Kirstie had decided that I needed a haircut, and Grace had been the one to cut my hair. We clicked and became close friends, and I even got to meet her boyfriend. Sure, I was close with Mitch and Scott and Kirstie and even less so with Avi and Kevin, but I needed someone who understood me. She didn't judge me on my past, and wasn't biased since she didn't know Scott. So she became my friend and we'd known each other for about a month now. I trusted her, but I didn't want her to try to talk me out of this.

"Grace, I know you might think you're right-" She scoffed and reached for a pillow, throwing it at me.

"I know I'm right, Hoying. Scott doesn't deserve this," She said.

"He got me thrown in jail. I wasted my life for him! And he didn't even bother to come visit me in jail. He left me there to rot. He didn't come to my hearing. I had to pretend that he'd offered to house me just so that I wouldn't be out on the streets," I said desperately. "I need you on my side Grace. Besides you, no one else really cares about me. Mitch is warming up to me more and more, but even he is still scared to trust me because he doesn't know the truth."

She sighed and grabbed her long braids, pushing them behind her head. "This is gonna blow up in your face, Seb," She told me.

I ignored what she said. "Are you on my side or not?" I asked her. She nodded, sighing slightly.

"I am. But I'm looking out for you. What are you gonna do if Scott kicks you out?" She inquired, crossing her arms.

"Stay at your place," I said, grinning. She rolled her eyes. "I'm sure Kyle would be very happy about that."

"Anyway, speaking of Kyle, I'd better get going," She told me, standing up. "Just try to be a little nice when you tell Mitch about what you did to Kelsey."

I scoffed. "Why wouldn't I be nice to him? That's all I've ever done, is being nice to him even though I know he's on Scott's side!" She gave me a small smile and I stood up to hug her and lead her out.


A few hours later, I was sitting on the couch, watching tv but not really focusing on it. I didn't even know what show was on since I was lost in my thoughts. Grace had a point and her and I both knew it, and yet I couldn't stop myself from telling Mitch the truth. He needed to know that Scott didn't deserve to be on the pedestal that everyone has him on.

Just as I was going to get some food(ramen noodles, which Mitch had taught me how to make although I didn't have the heart to tell him that I knew how to make them), the door opened. I fully expected it to be Scott, but I smiled delightfully when Mitch walked in. He had a guarded expression but still smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Sebastian," He said, putting his keys on the coffee table and sitting down on the couch next to me.

"Hey. Where's Scott?" I asked him. He didn't look at me when he answered.

"Pretty sure he's staying at Esther's today," He said carefully. I raised my eyebrows.


Finally, Mitch turned to me. "He told me that you've been trying to tell me something for a while now, and I couldn't wait to come home and ask you about it, so I confronted him. He said that you caught him making out with another guy while I was out, which is why you were being really friendly. You were trying to protect me, so thank you Seb. I'm glad that you don't have to hide that anymore." He wrapped his slender arms around my neck, and I automatically hugged him back. But I was shocked, and mostly confused. Why would Scott make up such a stupid lie? Just because he didn't want Mitch to know that he knocked some girl up in high school, and that I paid her to have an abortion? I thought, still utterly confused. Mitch pulled back and sniffed.

"I just don't know why he would cheat and lie to me like that. I mean, seriously," He said. He stood up and came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Mitch, you know I don't drink-" I said, but it was of no use because he was already pouring me a glass. He handed it to me and then gulped down most of his glass. I sipped mine cautiously as he refilled his, nearly to the brim. It wasn't bad, it had a sweetness to it that mixed well with the alcohol within it.

"I just cannot believe him! I've never given him a reason to cheat. And then he goes and does this..." He said out of nowhere, causing me to jump.

"Yeah, my brother's a jerk," I said, and I meant it. I was surprised to see that I was nearly finished with my beverage.

"I wish I had slapped him. I didn't, though, instead I just walked out of the room like an adult," He said, smiling proudly. "But I do wish I had slapped him or stomped on his foot or something. Ugh. Maybe I should text Esther and ask her to slap him for me."

I laughed slightly at the thought of Mitch slapping Scott, and then began laughing harder. Mitch was laughing too as he poured more wine in my glass. Soon, we were both laughing and all of a sudden his face was extremely close to mine. I don't know who leaned in first, but before I could think about what was happening, his mouth was on mine and all that I could think about was how soft his lips were and delicious his mouth tasted and how wrong it was to be kissing my brother's boyfriend.

And yet it felt so right.

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