Chapter 10

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6 years back

Martin High School 

Sebastian's POV

"Scott, I just don't know why you can't take responsibility for this," I hissed at my brother. We were walking side-by-side to class, and he was sporting a black eye thanks to his stupidity. 

"You already agreed, okay? And it wasn't my fault," Scott muttered as we reached his locker. He grabbed his textbooks and I looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. He kept his gaze away from mine. 

"It's bad enough that you had sex with her. I thought you were gay," I said, rolling my eyes and leaning against the lockers. I grabbed my glasses and cleaned them as I waited for him to hurry up. 

"It was a mistake. And you'd better not tell Mitch about this. He doesn't need to know." He snapped at me, slamming his locker shut. I walked forward until I was nose to nose with him. 

"You'd better cut back on the attitude unless you want to raise that baby. You got her pregnant, and she wants to keep it. If you had just kept your dick in your pants, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. And since I'm gonna be the one paying bribing her and paying for her abortion, you'd better be goddamn grateful," I snarled, and then backed away from him because people needed to access their lockers. He said nothing as I walked away, just glared. Yeah, he was pissed, but that was only because he had gotten my girlfriend pregnant and therefore got a black eye. It wasn't rocket science, if he thought he was going to get away with impregnating my girlfriend, then he was mistaken. 

Yet here I was, ready to cover for him if we got discovered, and I was paying for an abortion plus more money for my girlfriend to keep her trap shut. Not to mention that I didn't want to deal with my parents if they found out that Scott got a girl pregnant for fucks sake. He was gay so they'd not only think he was irresponsible but a liar too. Why was I saving his sorry ass in the first place? Well, being my twin brother had it's benefits for him. But mostly because if it weren't for him, I'd still be in a correctional facility. But brotherly love works too. 

As for my girlfriend; my counselor from jail told me that if I adapted to a 'normal teenage boy' lifestyle, I would have less of a chance of going back into the system. Because of the constant breathalyzing and drug tests the first week, I'd gotten extremely annoyed and snapped at the officials, causing them to be more stern with me. I'd gone into the system for beating up a stupid kid(yes, he got brain damage and I felt sorry for him, but my family isn't a bunch of brain-dead rednecks). Although there wasn't much chance to be rebellious under surveillance, I'd had my slip ups with fighting and drugs being smuggled in, which is why I only recently got out of the system. Thankfully, I was registered to graduate early since they had education programs at the facility.

Everything had been going fine up until some guys confronted me about the time I spent in the facility, whether or not I knew their siblings, etc. They decided that I was cool(at least that's what I figured) and asked if I wanted to smoke some pot with them. I agreed, stupidly forgetting that I had a scheduled drug test that day. I was with my new friends(could I really call them that?) when I got a text from Scott. 

Scott: dad's upset and mom's on the verge of tears. hurry back home for ur drug test.

I jerked up and groaned, passing the blunt to the guy next to me. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?" I asked, standing up slowly. 

"What's up bro?" Lucas asked, the guy who had brought me here in the first place. 

"I have a fucking drug test today," I said, rolling my eyes. I texted Scott saying that I'd be there in a little bit. 

Lucas's eyes widened and he laughed. "You're fucked bro," He said, and laid his head back on the wall. 

"Are you for real?"  I asked. I shook my head and grabbed my boots, lacing them up carefully and shaking my head as Max offered me the blunt again. He shrugged. "Catch you later, Lucas." I had no plan of seeing him ever again, not only because he screwed up my drug test but because I was probably going to get killed by my father. He was a kind man, but it was wise to not cross the line with him. 

"Wait, Sebastian!" Lucas said. I looked at him questioningly. "Could you go into my kitchen and bring me the chocolate chip cookies on the table? I'll owe you one." I rolled my eyes but trudged into the kitchen, where a girl who looked to be about my age was sitting at the table. She was brunette and looked at me with green eyes, which were surprisingly brighter than mine. 

"What do you want?" She snapped, glaring at me as if she were about to punch me if I stepped any further. She was gorgeous and held her ground, not intimidated by me in the least. 

"Whoa, chill. Lucas just wants the cookies that are on the table."  I said. Her expression softened. 

"Sorry for snapping. I thought you were one of Lucas's stupid friends," She said, sighing. I raised one eyebrow. I was aware that I needed to get back home, but this girl... she was beautiful. A breathtaking sight. "I meant one of the friend in there, all they do is bother me. Who are you?" 

"Sebastian Hoying, nice to meet you," I said. She nodded, looking me up and down. 

"I'm Kelsey Chavez. Here, give these to Lucas," She said, handing me the cookies. "And when you get back I'll give you some eye drops and we'll try to get rid of the smell. I overheard you saying that you have to go take a drug test." I nodded, trying to stay focused. I went and handed Lucas the cookies, who said nothing because he was too busy digging into the bag. 

After I left, with a smelly cologne all over my body, less bloodshot eyes, and Kelsey's number, I was ready for my drug test. When I went upstairs to urinate in the cup, Scott met me outside the bathroom door. "Mom and dad have no clue that you're high, they're just relieved that you're here, and even more surprised that you have a girlfriend. I'm about to head over to Mitch's house, but I'll pee in the cup for you. Just try to be more careful, okay?" I nodded, grateful but still in my own little world. 

I passed the drug test(well, Scott did) and the guy told my parents that he'd be coming around less frequently but that they should keep an eye on me. Once he left, all that I could tell my mother was that I was starving, even though she wanted to hear about Kelsey. She wasn't officially my girlfriend, but it had averted the adults from the face that I was high. 

And a month later, after I'd gotten adapted to high school, friends, my girlfriend, and football, someone stupidly decided to bring the theatre geeks to a party. Scott got shitfaced drunk, since he couldn't handle alcohol, and next thing I knew I found him and Kelsey laying in bed together. 

Then Kelsey got pregnant. 

Then I paid for her abortion, and soon afterwards she and Lucas moved because their father got relocated, being in the military. 

And I went to jail, because Kelsey reported me to the authorities. 

A/N: guess who's back back back. 

Sorry for all the flashbacks, I just feel like all this stuff is crucial. I'll update soon, but make sure to comment, vote, etc. 

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