Chapter 11

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Sebastian's POV

Mitch pulled away first, removing his lips from my own and backing up abruptly. "Shit. I'm so sorry Seb, I don't know what came over me," He said, setting his wine glass down on the table and standing up. 

Before I could respond, Mitch's phone rang and he picked it up, sighing before he answered. I raised one eyebrow, almost certain that it was Scott calling him. I was still a little shocked from the kiss, and also a little guilty. Yes, kissing him was exactly what I wanted to get revenge on Scott so that he'd know how I felt when he betrayed him but... Mitch was a real person too, with real feelings, and he didn't deserve to be hurt. By anyone. Scott had been lying to him all these years, about me and about Kelsey... but here I was, using him to get back at my brother. 

I was just as bad as Scott.  

I sighed, blinking rapidly before rubbing my eyes. I tuned back into what Mitch was saying to Scott. 

"Yes, I'm here with him now, actually," Mitch said angrily. "I don't give a fuck. You're a liar." 

There was silence from Mitch before he cut Scott off. "No, Sebastian hasn't said anything to me! Frankly, I really don't understand why you're being rude to him when you just admitted to cheating. You're not who I thought you were," Mitch snapped, switching his phone from one ear to the other one. "Maybe you should've thought of that before- You know what, I'm not having this conversation with you on the phone. You'd better have a good fucking explanation tomorrow or else." With that, Mitch hung up the phone and threw it onto the couch. I looked at him cautiously, unsure of what to do or say. I decided to put my hand on his shoulder and keep my mouth shut. Once I touched the soft fabric of his sweater, I noticed that his shoulders were shaking slightly and he was covering his eyes with his hands. I slowly put my around him, pulling him closer to my chest. He cried silently for a few minutes, and I just held him close to me. 

After a few moments, he composed himself slightly and met my eyes, before chuckling and bursting into tears once again. 

"God, you look so much like him," He said, wiping his eyes and giving me a small smile. 

"Thanks, sometimes I forget that he and I are twins," I said, grinning and he rolled his eyes, but his smile widened. "I'm the better looking one, obviously." He shoved me softly before smiling, and it reached his eyes. He picked up his glass of the clear beverage, drinking some before speaking.

"Honestly though, if you threw on some blue eye contacts and pushed your hair back, I probably wouldn't notice the difference," He said, before sighing. "I'm sorry though, for real. I shouldn't have kissed you. You just looked so much like him and it was a spur of the moment thing. You're an amazing guy, honestly, but Scott will always be the one for me. No matter how much of an insufferable jerk he is." I smiled a little, before nodding. In all honesty, I felt kinda relieved. Maybe Grace was right. Maybe I simply needed to let the past go and try to move forward to my life. I could finally make something of myself and get a good career and be happy

Maybe all I needed to do was forgive and forget. 

"It's okay Mitch, I'm not mad and I didn't take it the wrong way. Scott's an imbecile, but he loves you, and I know that. But I really think that you and him should just sit down and talk, and make him tell you the truth. He needs to cut the bullshit and tell you what he's really been hiding, and hopefully you'll see it in yourself to forgive him... and me." 

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