Chapter 7

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Mitch rolled off of me and breathed heavily, grinning at me. After leaning over and kissing me on the cheek, he stretched. 

"That was amazing," Mitch whispered. "Thanks daddy." I smirked and sneaked my hand down under the sheets and placed my hand on his thigh.

"Judging by the scratches on my chest, I assume that you liked that. Huh, baby?" I said, planting a kiss on his forehead.

He gave me a full-toothed smile and pushed his fringe back. "Fuck yeah I liked that, I rode you like I never have before. I'm sore already," He said. "You like the way I hopped on your d-"

"Alright, stop with the dirty talk, if I wanted to listen to porn I'd go on the internet," Sebastian said, bursting through Mitch and I's bedroom door. Mitch jumped and I scrambled to cover his body, which had been pretty much uncovered. After making sure that the sheets were fully over his body, I turned to my brother.

"Can you knock?" I snapped at my twin. I noticed that he had been staring at Mitch, but he quickly turned away from him and directed his cool gaze at me. 

"Nah, I'm good. It's much more entertaining to burst in on people," Sebastian replied, grinning. I scowled at him and glanced over at Mitch, who was preoccupied on his phone. 

"So what if you had walked in 10 minutes earlier? What do you think would've happened then?" I asked him. He pushed his glasses further up his nose before meeting his green eyes with mine. 

"I would've enjoyed the sight of Mitch's face contorting in pleasure and tried to get the image of your naked body out of my head," He said. Mitch sat up and threw his pillow at Sebastian before laying back down and resting his body on my chest. Sebastian caught the pillow and smirked. 

"If you wanted to get my attention, you could've just said my name. I like how it sounds when you say it anyway," Sebastian said, winking at Mitch. I scowled and sat up. Was he flirting with Mitch right in front of me? I grimaced as I realized that I was naked, or else I would have gotten up and punched him in the nose. 

"Sebastian, you can either tell me what you want or you can get your ass out of here," I snapped. Mitch laughed and I looked over at him questioningly. 

"What's so funny?" I asked. 

"You are so worked up, calm down, babe. Sebastian is simply naturally smug and flirty, just like momma," Mitch said. I clenched my jaw but didn't say anything. I wasn't about to tell Mitch about my ever-present jealousy, at least not in front of the very cause of it. Instead, I refrained from responding to him and turned back to my twin brother, who was still standing in the doorway of Mitch and I's room. 

"What do you want?" I asked Sebastian. 

"I wanted to tell you that my papers came in. Nothing that I didn't already know, so why I need them is beyond me," He said. 

"It's for proof of what you know, duh," I replied. 

"Why the hell would I lie about my birthday? It's not like I'd say I was born on September 18th instead of 17th; it's stupid," He said, reaching into his back pocket. 

"Get to the point, Sebastian. What the hell do you want?" I asked, sighing. Mitch kicked me under the sheets and I scowled at him. Discreetly, I reached under the sheets and squeezed his ass, causing him to yelp. He smacked me on the chest and went to slap me but I grabbed his arm and instead pulled him closer to me before trapping his bottom lip in between my own. I kissed him for a few seconds before Sebastian cleared his throat in annoyance. I looked at him and coughed a little, having forgotten that he was there. 

"Anyways, before this turned into a live porno, I wanted to ask you to take me to the district court. I can't drive and I wouldn't be able to even if I knew how. And I don't have a credit card, so I can't take a Lyft," He said, his smirk erased and a look of impatience and annoyance had taken its place. 

"My phone is on the kitchen table plugged into the charger, and my card is already hooked up to it. Leave me your phone and then you can give it to me when you get back," I said, already paying less and less attention to my brother since Mitch was rubbing his hand on my thigh. Sebastian sighed and ran a hand through his hair before exiting the room. 

"Now, where were we?" I asked Mitch. 

Sebastian's POV

After 15 minutes of trying to figure out how to work the Lyft app, I had successfully gotten one to come pick me up. Once the driver came to pick me up, I got in the car, and told him the address to the District Court. He began driving, and I sighed in relief that my first encounter with a Lyft hadn't been a complete disaster. I stared out of the window and took in Los Angeles. It was huge in comparison to the confined walls of prison. 

I had to admit, even though I resented my brother, I needed his help. I was only starting to understand barely a glimmer of what the real world was. It was taking me time to get used to the real world outside of prison. And that was because of Scott. It was terrifying, knowing that there was so much for me to learn and I had wasted more than a decade in the system. But now I had the support of my brother to get me back on my feet.  Although I wanted vengeance for what he had done to me, he had helped me get back on my feet. I had wanted nothing to do with him, but without him, I would have had nothing. I would have been alone. An ex-prisoner who never learned how to survive. I didn't know how to drive, I could barely cook, my family didn't want to see me, and I certainly didn't know how to handle anything in terms of taxes and bills and job applications. I knew how to hold my own in jail and how to make someone scared of me if necessary, but that was it. Beneath my smug demeanor, I was basically helpless. Hell, I was still trying to figure out how to work a smartphone. 

I noticed that the car had come to a stop, and I looked out the window. I saw that the car had come to a stop, and I quickly paid the driver with his help. My papers, key, and Scott's phone in hand, I exited the car and entered the building. 

I walked up to the counter and the lady looked up at me expectantly. It wasn't that I was scared to talk, I just didn't know what to say. Was I supposed to just hand her my papers and then leave? 

"Can I help you, sir?" She asked. 

"Uh... yeah. I need a, um," I said and trailed off. Was I even at the right place to get an ID?

"Sir, do you need a driver's license renewal, or an identification card renewal?" She asked me, clearly exasperated. I sighed in relief.

"Actually, I need an ID," I said, giving her a small smile.

"You need to renew it?" She asked.

"No, I need to acquire one," I said, feeling my cheeks heat up. Here it comes.

"Why, were you in jail or something?" She asked(there it is), not looking away from her computer screen. 

"Yes, actually," I said, laughing slightly. She turned to me with an astonished expression, which I found amusing

"My apologies," She murmured, handing me a form. "When you're done they'll enter it into the computer and then you'll get your picture taken. You might want to take off your glasses because of the flash."

"Thanks," I said, grinning at her. I was mainly happy that I hadn't messed up this interaction as well. Seeing as I had relied on Mitch to pay for stuff and order for me in public, I wasn't quite used to talking to people who weren't delinquents. 

"May I ask, what were you in for?" She asked, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Drugs is the main reason, but if that was the only reason I wouldn't have gotten six years," I said. She raised her eyebrows. "Let's just say... I paid an individual so that someone would die, and leave it at that." 

A/N: Comment, vote, all that good stuff :^)

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