Summer Nights -Grease

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(A/N: Calypso explaining to the girls how she met Leo, while Leo tells the same story but quite differently. Happens sometime after BOO.)

Leo: Summer lovin', had me a blast
Calypso: Summer lovin', happened so fast
Leo: Met a girl crazy for me
Calypso: Met a boy scrawny as can be
Both: Summer days drifting away
To, uh oh, those summer nights

Percy, Jason, Frank: Well-a, well-a, well-a, uh!
Tell me more, tell me more
Jason: Did you get very far?
Hazel, Annabeth, Piper: Tell me more, tell me more
Piper: Like does he have a scar?

Leo: She swam by me, she got a cramp
Calypso: He ran by me, got my suit damp
Leo: Saved her life, she nearly drowned
Calypso: He showed off splashing around
Both: Summer sun, something's begun
But, uh oh, those summer nights

Hazel, Annabeth, Piper: Well-a, well-a, well-a, uh!
Tell me more, tell me more
Hazel: Was it love at first sight?
Percy, Jason, Frank: Tell me more, tell me more
Frank: Did she put up a fight?

Leo: Made her dinner at the beach
Calypso: We went strolling; he made a speech
Leo, humping air: We made out under the moon 
Calypso: We stayed out in the hot June
Both: Summer fling don't mean a thing
But, uh oh, those summer nights

Percy, Jason, Frank: Tell me more, tell me more
Jason: I wish I could attend 
Hazel, Annabeth, Piper: Tell me more, tell me more
Annabeth, rolls eyes: 'Cause he doesn't sounds like our friend

Calypso: He got friendly holding my hand
Leo: Well, she got friendly down in the sand 
Calypso: He was sweet, just turned fifteen
Leo: Well, she was good, you know what I mean
Both: Summer heat, boy and girl meet
But, uh oh, those summer nights

Hazel, Annabeth, Piper: Tell me more, tell me more
Piper: How does the story end?
Percy, Jason, Frank: Tell me more, tell me more
Percy: Could she get me a friend? Jason smacks his head

Calypso: He went home; that's where it ends
Leo: I'd come back with Festus, my friend
Then I made my true love vow
Calypso: Wonder what he's doin' now
Both: Summer dreams ripped at the seams
But, oh, those summer nights

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