Good-Bye, But Not Forever

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Bill's Point Of View:

A week had passed by with flying colors. Pacifica has fully recovered, and she has taken control of her powers. She and Dipper had become closer, and they were often seen in each other's company. Unfortunately, she still had to wear an eye-patch because her eye would never heal, but she wasn't against it. Gideon and his parents had completely re-built their house next door to the shack, and were often over. Gideon usually spent his time with Golden, who had stayed in her human form. She said that being a human demon was more fun than being a cat demon. Stan and Ford usually spent their time talking with Bud and Carla. For me, I spent my time with Mabel. She still didn't want me to leave, and was often alone in her room. She told me that I couldn't come in at those time because she was making something. Something secret. Finally, the day came when Golden and I had to leave.

I awoke to the ringing of a doorbell, and I hurriedly rushed downstairs. I heard a few doors open, and Dipper, Pacifica, and Golden rushed after me. Ford and Stan were already at the door, Bud, Carla, and Gideon by their sides. Outside stood Mother and Father. Mabel was nowhere in sight.

"Bill, Golden, it's time to go," Mother said.

"Don't forget to say your good-byes," Father said. Then, turning to Stan and Ford. "Thank you so much for keeping him safe. I don't know what we would do with ourselves if he had been captured with us."

"It was our pleasure," Stan said, holding out his hand.

Father and Mother shook the twins' hands.

"Hey, where's Mabel?" Dipper asked, looking around for his sister. "She shouldn't miss saying good-bye to you two."

"I don't know where she is," Golden replied.

We shook it off, and said our good-byes. Golden hugged them all, and her hug with Gideon lasted the longest. I shook their hands, but Pacifica hugged me.

"Thanks for helping me, Bill," Pacifica said, smiling.

I smiled back, and went to join my parents, along with Golden.

"Wait! Don't go!" Mabel shouted, running downstairs. She was holding a box in her hands. "I have something for you two!"

She stopped in front of us, and held the box out. I took it with a thanks, and I hugged Mabel. Mabel hugged me back, harder.

"Please don't go, Bill," Mabel sobbed into my shoulder. "I don't want you to."

"Mabel, I have to go home though," I said, smoothing her hair. "But I'm sure that we can visit you guys."

"You can?" Mabel asked, looking up at me with teary eyes.

I nodded, and she hugged me tighter. I hugged her back, and we stayed like that for a while, until we finally separated. Mabel giggled a little and wiped my eyes.

"You are crying, Bill," she said, and wiped her own tears.

Only when Mabel said it, did I realize that I was crying too. Mabel smiled, and kissed my cheek. Heat rushed up to my face, and I turned around hastily. Mabel giggled again, and Golden joined in.

"Don't worry Mabel," Golden said, hugging Mabel. "I'll take care of him for you."

"I know you will," Mabel said as they separated.

Golden and I turned to Mother and Father.

"We're ready to go now," I said.

They nodded, and we waved good-bye to the others.

"Don't forget to visit!" Mabel reminded me.

"I won't!" I promised.

With that, Mother, Father, Golden, and I teleported home. The house was completely re-built, with another room for Golden. It had three floors. On the first floor, the living room, the kitchen, the laundry room, and the front and back doors. On the second floor, Mother and Father's bedroom, the musical room (a room where we play any instrument we want to), the first bathroom, and a practice room (a room where we practice our powers). On the third floor, my bedroom, Golden's bedroom, the second bathroom, and another practice room. Outside, in the backyard, a swing set with four swings, a clubhouse, and a training area.

Upstairs, Golden and I sat on my bed, Mabel's box on my lap. We decided to open it up as soon as we arrived home. Inside, was a golden dress, with silver writing around the waist. Golden took out the dress, and read the silver wording out loud.

"'Silver letters, for her shiny heart. Golden material, for her bright name,'" Golden read, and she hugged the dress to herself. "It's beautiful, Mabel."

I smiled, and looked back into the box. I pulled out a navy blue sweatshirt, with a golden triangle with an eye on the front, and golden writing around it. Golden looked over my shoulder as I read the writing on it.

"'Just like the all-seeing eye, he watches over me. Protects me. He will always be my side,'" I read out loud, and smiled. "Thank you, Mabel."

"Put it on, and I'll put my dress on," Golden said, and left to go to her room.

I pulled on my new sweatshirt over my plain, black T-shirt. It was a perfect fit. Golden came in soon after, and the dress fit her perfectly. We both looked back into the box, and noticed a note. Golden took it out, and opened it up. It wasn't a note at all, but a picture. Mabel drew it herself.

On it was the shack on a sunny day. Outside, stood all of us, in two rows. In the first row was Pacifica (still with her eye-patch), Dipper, Mabel, me, Golden, and Gideon. In the second row stood Ford, Stan, Mother, Father, Bud, and Carla. On the bottom, in neat, curly writing, were the words Come Visit Soon!

"Look on the back," Golden said. "There might be something else."

On the back where the same words that were on the front, but it had everyone's signature. Golden and I looked at each other, then back at the picture. We made a frame out of our yellow and blue fire. It had a blue and yellow stripped border, and I carefully put the picture into the frame. I set it on my desk next to my bed, and stepped back.

"I'll visit soon," I whispered, and smiled.

Demon With Nothing Left (EDITED 5/31/17)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon