Dream Worlds

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Golden's Point Of View:

As soon as I approached the Northwest mansion, I used my powers to break down the door. I couldn't believe my eyes at what I saw. Preston was standing in the middle of a giant room, talking to Ford and laughing. They both had martinis in their hands, and Ford was smiling wide. Stan was playing Poker with Mabel, Dipper, and Gideon at a table.

"I can't believe that we tried to help that Cipher demon," Ford said, chuckling.

"I told you that he was nothing but trouble," Preston said, sipping his martini.

"What is happening here?" I asked in confusion.

Nobody payed any attention to me, and I heard someone whisper something.

"Who are you?"

I turned around to face a figure in a dark corner. Cautiously, I walked over to it. The figure came into the light, and I gasped. The figure looked exactly like Mabel, except she was dressed as a maid, and she had bags under her eyes.

"Mabel?" I asked, more confused than ever.

The demon shook her head.

"You must mean the clone of me," she said. "I'm Lebam, one of Preston's demon servants. You must not be from this world. Nobody but the servants can see you."

"This world?" I asked, scratching my head. "And there are others?"

Lebam nodded her head, and gently grabbed my arm.

"Hurry, follow me."

She dragged me down to the servant quarters. She knocked a rhythm on the door, and it quickly opened. She dragged me into the room, and slammed the door shut. All around me were look-alikes of Dipper, Pacifica, Gideon, Bill, Stan, Ford, and me. They all looked at me with stressed faces.

"These are the others," Lebam said. "That's Reppid, Acificap, Noendig, Llib, Nats, Drof, and Nedlog. The demons that you saw out there are all clones of us. You must be Golden from the real world because the Golden in this world is dead."

"What is this world, anyway?" I asked.

"The Dream World," Reppid replied. "Preston must have sent you here for a reason." He began to pace. "The only way you can get back to your world is if someone in your world wakes you up from this nightmare."

"'Nightmare'?" I echoed.

"He sent you to the part of the Dream World where it's your worst nightmare," Drof explained. "He must have done that to others that are in your world too."

"What will happen if I don't get out of this world?" I asked, worriedly.

"Then you will be stuck here for all eternity," Llib replied.

My face paled.

Gideon's Point OF View:

As Preston walked towards me, I shielded myself with grey fire. I heard my parents calling my name from outside the fire, and I glared at Preston.

"What do you mean by 'flashback'?" I asked, taking a step backwards.

"Silly demon," Preston said, reaching out towards me. "You should know that you aren't even in a flashback. You are in the Dream World. Welcome to your worst nightmare, Gideon."

"I'm in the Dream World?" I asked, taking another step backwards. "Why? And why are my parents with me?"

"You can only escape if Pacifica and Bill wake you three up," Preston said, still reaching and walking towards me. "But I wouldn't count on them."

Preston suddenly lunged at me, going right through the grey fire that surrounded me. I yelped in surprise, and I tried to throw fireballs at him. They went right through, and he tackled me to the ground. The fire around me disappeared, and I struggled to loosen his grip on my throat.

"WeLcOmE To YoUr WoRsT NiGhTmArE, GiDeOn!" Preston screamed at me in a distorted voice.

As I struggled for breath, two figures came out of the fire, and tackled Preston to the ground. I sat up, gasping for breath, as Mother and Father tried pelting Preston with fireballs. Preston grew angrier, and he lifted my parents off the ground. He threw them at the walls, and they blacked out. I didn't even know that was possible to do in the Dream World, but I didn't have enough time to think about that. Preston grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, and brought me up to his face.

"You better say your good-byes, Gideon," Preston sneered in my face.

I struggled furiously as Preston slowly formed a black fireball in his hand. 

Pacifica, Bill, I thought wildly. Please. Hurry!

Stan's Point Of View:

Ford, Sandy, Robert, and I increased our speed as the mansion loomed closer and closer. When we arrived, Robert broke down the door. We entered an empty room. Many footsteps were echoing down a hallway, and we all waited, with held breaths, as the footsteps ran nearer. What happened next shocked all of us.

Golden appeared leading a group of demons that looked exactly like Ford, Mabel, Dipper, Pacifica, Bill, Gideon, Golden, and me. The first Golden stopped when she saw us, and ran at Sandy and Robert.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cipher!" Golden yelled, tears of happiness filling her eyes.

"Golden!" Sandy said happily as she, and her husband, hugged the demon.

"Golden, who are they?" Ford asked, pointing to the group of look-alikes.

"Those are the others in the Dream World," Golden explained, smiling.

She let go of Sandy and Robert, and pointed to each demon.

"That's Lebam, Reppid, Acificap, Noendig, Llib, Nats, Drof, and Nedlog," Golden introduced. "They said that the only way to get out of this Dream World is if Pacifica and Bill wake us up in the real world."

"Have you seen anybody else?" I asked.

Golden shook her head, and I began to worry.

"From what Golden has told us, the Preston in your world has made the Cipher Prophecy come to pass," Nats stated. "Is this true?"

"It is," Robert replied. "The unfortunate part of that is that we don't know how to reverse it."

"I do," Acificap said. "You have to kill Preston in order for everything to be right again."

Dipper's Point Of View:

"DON'T START UNBELIEVING! NEVER LET GO OF THAT FEELING!!!" Mabel sang at the top of her lungs.

"Mabel!" I shouted, covering my ears. "Stop singing!"

She did, and she pouted. "But Dipper, I'm sooo bored."

"We've only been walking for twenty minutes," I said, uncovering my ears.

"20 minutes too long," Mabel whined.

I gave a small laugh, but I cut it short. Mabel looked at me in surprise, and jumped back.

"Dipper! What's happening to you?" Mabel cried out.

I looked down at myself. White fire was forming itself around me. That was weird. I didn't summon the fire. I raised my hand, and the fire engulfed it. The fire kept at the same length as it moved up my arm, making my hand disappear. I began to panic as I started to disappear as a whole.

"What's going on?" I asked with wide eyes.

Mabel shrieked and I looked at her. She was disappearing too, except in pink flames.

"Dipper! I'm scared!" Mabel yelled, reaching out to me.

I reached out to her too, but she disappeared before our hands touched. I closed my eyes as the white fire totally engulfed me.

When I opened my eyes, I was staring into the faces of Mabel, Bill, and Pacifica.

Demon With Nothing Left (EDITED 5/31/17)Where stories live. Discover now