The Society of the Blind Eye

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"What do you want with me, Pacifica?" Mabel fearfully asked.

Pacifica sneered, and approached the cage, squatting down in front of Mabel. Mabel scooted back, and Pacifica stood back up. She turned to one of the Society members, and he nodded. The members all picked up Mabel's cage, and started to walk towards our hiding spot. Dipper grabbed my wrist, and pulled me out of their way. We watched as Pacifica led the Society past our hiding spot. Mabel saw us, and looked at us with pleading eyes. We watched helplessly as they moved past us.

"What do we do now, Dipper?" I asked, trying to peel his fingers off my wrist.

"We follow them," Dipper replied, strengthening his grip on my wrist.

He dragged me after the Society. Pacifica led the Society to a building, and knocked on the door. The door opened, and another member of the Society peeked out. He looked at Pacifica and the others, and let them in. The door closed, and Dipper dragged me over to the door. He placed his free hand on the door knob. We heard a little click, and the door slowly opened.

"Dipper, can you let go of my wrist?" I asked.

"Not until Mabel is safe," Dipper hissed in reply, and dragged me into the building.

He dragged me down some stairs, and into a large room. He pulled me behind a column, and we watched as Pacifica led a struggling Mabel to a chair in the middle of the room.

"Something's wrong," Dipper whispered. "Why can't Mabel use her powers?"

I peered at Mabel, and let out a small gasp. Dipper turned to me, wearing a confused look.

"What is it?" He whispered.

"Around Mabel's neck," I whispered back.

Dipper looked to where I mentioned. Around Mabel's neck was a black choker with a blue diamond. Pacifica forcefully pushed Mabel into the chair, and strapped her wrists to the chairs arms. Two of the members of the Society pulled out a box, and Pacifica walked over to it. Four other Society members pulled out two other chairs.

"Dipper, why did they pull those chairs out?"

No reply.


Still no reply. I felt my wrist. A hand was still there. didn't feel like Dipper's. I looked over, and found myself looking at a member of the Society. Another one was behind him, holding a struggling Dipper. His neck bore the same choker that Mabel wore. I felt my neck. I had one too. The member holding Dipper moved off, carrying Dipper with him. I knew struggle was futile. so I let the member carry me to where Mabel was.

The members strapped us into the other chairs. They then backed away, and let Pacifica walk forward. For a mortal, she was pretty intimidating. She sneered at the twins, then frowned at me.

"You Pines twins I've been hunting for some time," Pacifica stated, looking at Dipper and Mabel. "I'm glad that the Society is helping me. But..." She turned to me. "Who is your friend?"

"M-Me?" I stammered. "I-I'm nobody."

Don't recognize me, I thought. You can't know that I escaped that night you killed my family.

"What's this?" Pacifica asked, pulling my bow-tie shaped locket from around my neck. "It's cute."

She opened it, and stared down at the picture. Her eyes widened, and a look of realization came over her face. Mabel and Dipper looked at me as my face turned pale.

Pacifica looked at me, then back at the picture, then back at me. She started to laugh, and she placed my locket back around my neck.

"Hold off the ceremony," She ordered. "Put the Pines in the special room. I'll take the blonde one to my office."

I saw Dipper and Mabel struggle as the Society took them somewhere further in the building. Pacifica unstrapped me, and grabbed my wrist. Her grip was like iron, and I couldn't wrench out of it.

"Struggling will only make things worse, William," Pacifica stated, still dragging me.

I stopped struggling, and looked at her in surprise.

"How do you know my fake name?" I asked, then immediately covered my mouth with my free hand.

Pacifica flinched, then turned around.

"'Fake name'?" she asked.

I kept quiet until Pacifica dragged me into her office.

"You want to keep quiet?" Pacifica asked, shoving me into a chair. "Fine. Be that way. You'll break eventually."

Dipper's Point Of View:

"Where are they taking us?" Mabel asked, as the Society dragged us away.

I didn't answer. I saw Pacifica drag William away. I tried to get out of my chair, and received an electrical shock instead. I couldn't let Pacifica kill him. I heard William scream, and Mabel joined in with him.

"William!" I screamed.

One of the members smacked me.

"Don't worry about your friend," the member said. "He'll be just fine with our boss."

I heard a member grunt, then I heard him fall.

"We're under attack!" a member yelled.

The members that were dragging us, put us down, and ran for cover. We were soon left alone.

"Mabel? Do you hear footsteps?" I asked.

Out of the shadows, came a small, yellow, kitten.

"Hey, isn't that Golden?" Mabel asked.

"Mabel! Dipper!"

Behind Golden came Stan, Ford, and Gideon.

"Guys!" We yelled together.

Ford and Stan began untying us.

"Are you kids hurt?" Stan asked.

"Where's William?" Gideon asked.

"We're fine," Mabel replied, hugging Ford.

"Pacifica has William," I answered, starting to run to her office.

Stan grabbed me, and pulled me back.

"You can't save him with those chokers on," Stan said, and took it off. Ford did the same to Mabel. "Now, we need to split up. Ford, I need you, Mabel, and Gideon to stay here to make sure no more members of the Society try and stop us. Dipper, you're with me."

Golden crawled up my arm, and rested on my shoulder.

"Let's go," I said, and we ran to Pacifica's office.

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