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"MY PARENTS ARE ALIVE?!?!?!" I screamed.

The others covered their ears. Pacifica placed a hand on my arm, and I closed my mouth.

"Yes, they are," Pacifica stated, looking at me with her one good eye. Her other eye had an eye-patch on it because we couldn't heal it.

"How is that even possible?" Stan asked. "Bill's parents died in that fire Preston made you lit."

"Yeah, and I saw my mother get shot," I added.

"My mission wasn't to kill any of the Cipher family," Pacifica replied. "The weapon you saw me shoot your mother with was a stun ray. It was designed to stun even the toughest of demons. But-"

Pacifica's hand gripped my arm tighter.

"I got out of Preston's control for just a second, and I saw that I had not gotten Bill. I knew Preston could see me, so I lit the house on fire. Behind the fire, I was able push Bill away from me, telling him to run. He did what I was told, and I was brought back under control of Preston. I don't remember what happened after that," Pacifica explained.

We were silent for a while, until Gideon broke the silence.

"If Preston has Bill's parents, then Pacifica will know where they are," Gideon said.

Pacifica silently shook her head.

"Preston had never told me where they were hidden, but he did tell me about the Cipher's prophecy," Pacifica said.

"'Cipher's prophecy'?" I echoed.

Pacifica nodded, and Dipper joined her in nodding.

"The prophecy states that there will be a small demon family that will be living in Gravity Falls-"

"A mother, a father, and a son," Dipper cut her off. "They are said to have unbelievable powers that-"

"Can not match any other demon's powers. Whoever captures all of the them-"

"Will have the ability to drain them of their powers-"

"Whether mortal or demon. And the family that the prophecy was talking about-"

"Was yours," Dipper said, finally finishing the prophecy.

My head was spinning in so many directions. A million questions answered my head. Did my parents ever tell me about the prophecy? If Preston's goal wasn't to kill me, then why did he try to? Where exactly are my parents? Why was Pacifica worried about me? Why was she helping me?

"Listen Bill, none of those questions are important right now," Ford said, reading my mind. "Preston is still roaming around free, and we are not safe since he is. Especially Pacifica. We need to make a plan to get rid of Preston, then we can save your parents."

Everyone agreed on this idea, and left to go to the living room. Well, everyone except Mabel, Pacifica, and I. Pacifica was trying to get out of the bed, but Mabel gently pushed her back.

"I want to help plan," Pacifica said, sounding like a whining child.

"You need rest," I said sternly, and Pacifica looked down.

"Bill, I can sense it," Mabel whispered into my ear. "She's getting worse by the second."

"I can sense it too," I whispered back, nodding.

"Maybe we should take her to a hospital."

"No. Preston could find her there."


The noise of someone walking upstairs cut Mabel off. Ford entered the room, holding a cup.

"Here Pacifica," he said, handing her the drink. "This will help you with your injuries, but I'm afraid that you'll have to wear that eye-patch forever."

"I understand, and I don't mind," Pacifica said, trying to act cheerful. "And thank you for the medicine. I honestly only care if Bill gets his family back. I never had that chance."

"Never?" Ford asked.

Pacifica nodded, and looked back down. A tear slid down her face and into the cup she was holding.

"Apparently, I am an orphan, so Preston isn't my real father, and I'm a demon like you guys," Pacifica explained. "I had always known that Preston would go after that prophecy. He's always kept a scroll of it in the mansion. That's why want to help you guys save Bill's family, because I never got a chance to save mine."

Ford nodded, and Mabel held her hand. Pacifica smiled at them, and drank the liquid that was in the cup.

"Well, Bill," Ford started, my attention turning to him. "We have figured out a plan."

"Already?" I asked, my hopes rising. "What is it?"

Ford cringed at my eagerness.

"For our plan, we are going to need a decoy," Ford explained. "And..."

Golden walked around Ford, and sat by his feet.

"I volunteered to be the decoy," Golden said.

Pacifica choked on the liquid she was drinking, and I yelled in surprise, "You can talk?!?"

Mabel giggled.

"Yes, Golden is a demon kitten, so she has powers like us," Mabel replied.

"Before Mabel brought me here, I was a messenger by your parents," Golden explained. "When Preston took them, I escaped with you, but we were separated. "

"Why did you volunteer?" I asked.

Golden glowed yellow, and we covered our eyes. When the glow dimmed, we found ourselves staring at a girl who was my age. Her straight, blonde hair was past her hip, her blue eyes were filled with kindness, her golden dress reached just passed her knees, and her yellow flats were snug on her feet.

"I want to help you and your parents," Golden said, taking my hands in hers. "No matter what the cost."

I smiled, and nodded.


Demon With Nothing Left (EDITED 5/31/17)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang