The Memory Bubble

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Dipper and Mabel led me to a house in the middle of the woods. Two older men demons that looked alike were showing a boy demon my age around. Dipper brought me up to them and explained my situation to them.

"Oh, I think I have an idea," the boy stated. "Maybe his mind was erased by the Society of the Blind Eye."

"Gideon, you know that can't be true," Mabel stated. "The Society hasn't been heard of since two weeks ago."

"The Society of the Blind Eye?" I asked, confused.

"The Society of the Blind Eye was a secret society here in Gravity Falls," Dipper explained. "They used to kidnap demons off the street and erase their minds, driving them insane."

"Just like they did to Fiddleford," one of the men said, walking up to us. "He used to be a respected demon, but then the society got him. Do your best to stay away from them, hear me kid?"

I nodded my head, terrified.

"Grunkle Stan, easy on William," Mabel said, and snapped her fingers.

Stan's mouth disappeared, and he glared at Mabel. The other man laughed, and snapped his fingers. Stan's mouth re-appeared.

"Nice to meet you, William," the other man said, extending his hand. "I'm Ford. The other man is my brother, Stan."

I smiled, and shook his hand. Ford smiled back, and Stan shook my hand too.

"My name is Gideon," the boy said.

I shook his hand too.

"Gideon has always been our childhood friend," Dipper said. "He's usually here everyday."

"So, William," Gideon started. "Can you try to remember anything?"

"Nope," I answered.

Suddenly, a flash of red blurred my vision, and I stepped back in shock.

"What's wrong?" Stan asked.

"I-I saw a flash of red," I answered.

"That might mean something," Ford said, and placed his hand on my head.

He lifted it, and out came a memory bubble. He gave it to me, and I held it in my hands. The memory was faded, and I only caught glimpses of three figures moving. Then, yellow, red, and orange colors surrounded it. I tried to gaze further, but the memory bubble disappeared.

"I couldn't find anything," I said. "It was all hazy."

We heard rustling, and our attention turned to the woods.

"Everybody, in the house!" Ford yelled.

We all rushed into the house, and Ford locked the many locks on the door. It was like a security system. Dipper, Mabel, and Gideon flew all over the house, closing the curtains and windows.

"What's going on?" I asked, growing worried.

Stan pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry William, we will protect you from her," he said.

"Her?" I asked.

"Pacifica Northwest," Ford said.

For some reason, that named burned in my head. Did I know her?

"Of course you do," Dipper said, reading my mind. "Every demon knows of the demon hunter."

"She has a special spell on her that makes it impossible to touch her with our powers," Mabel said.

"She can't be that powerful," I stated.

I sneezed, and the wall of the house fell. 

"Sorry," I apologized, and snapped my fingers.

The wall re-built itself. 

"I think I might be getting sick," I said.

"That's my job to take care of you!" Mabel said, perking up.

She took me by the hand and dragged me upstairs to a guest room. At least I'll have a place to stay. 

Demon With Nothing Left (EDITED 5/31/17)Where stories live. Discover now