Final Confrontation

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Bill's Point Of View:

When we were all ready, we took off running to the giant ballroom. When we arrived, Preston was sitting in the air, his left leg over his right knee. He held a stopwatch in his hand, and looked up at us when we arrived. He grinned sickly at us, and swung the stopwatch from his hand.

"You have been saved, and in just 58 minutes," Preston said, and dropped the stopwatch. It smashed into many pieces when it hit the floor. "Two minutes were left. You had time. But, since you won, I should give you your reward."

He flew to the ground, and shot black fireballs at us. Dipper held up a white shield, and it deflected the fireballs.

"Bill, stay behind your parents!" Ford commanded me, summoning red fireballs in his hands.

"But I want to help!" I protested, as Mother and Father pulled me behind them.

"Bill, I have an idea," Father whispered into my ear.

He explained it to Mother and I, and we nodded. As Preston threw more fireballs at us, the others held up shields, except for Pacifica. She scooted closer to me, and she tried to summon a fireball too, but nothing worked.

Mabel threw pink fireballs, Dipper threw white fireballs, Gideon threw brown fireballs, Golden through yellow fireballs, Stan threw grey fireballs, Ford threw red fireballs, Bud threw green fireballs, and Carla (Gideon's mother) threw orange fireballs at Preston. Preston deflected them by holding up a black shield, and throwing black fireballs at us.

During this whole commotion, Mother, Father, and I had managed to sneak away from the battle. Mother and Father gave me a boost so I could reach the random banister that Preston, for some reason, had. When I was in it, I lowered a tapestry so Mother and Father could climb up to me. We were right above Preston, and Mother and Father grabbed my hands.

"Are you two ready?" Father asked us.

Mother and I nodded, and we jumped.

Pacifica's Point Of View:

I want to help them, but I can't summon fireballs. Why can't I? Throughout this whole battle, I just happened to look up at the banister. In it were Bill, Sandy, and Robert. They were all holding hands, and they looked like they were about to jump. I shrieked when I did. They landed on Preston, making him fall, face-flat, on the floor.

"Now, Bill!" Sandy yelled at her son.

Bill took out a pocket knife, and was about to slice Preston's throat, when, all of a sudden, the knife vanished. Black aura surrounded them, and they were lifted off of Preston. All of the others were lifted into the air too. All, except me. They clutched at their throats, so that must mean that Preston was somehow choking them. He turned to me, and smiled. Black aura was surrounding Preston, and his eyes were completely black.

"So, PaCiFiCa, ArE YoU ReAdY To FiNaLlY AcCePt Me?" Preston asked in a distorted voice.

"What?" I asked, bewildered. "After all of this?!? Are you kidding me?!? What makes you think that I would accept you as a father?!?"

"Because you don't want your friends harmed," Preston said, his voice normal. He closed his hand into a fist. "Isn't that right?"

I stood their, helpless. I hated feeling that way, but I always did since that day Preston adopted me. He could tell that I felt helpless, because he smiled.

"Feeling helpless, my little demon?" Preston asked me.

"I'm not your little demon!" I screamed at him, angry tears forming in my eyes. "I never was, and never will be!" Rainbow aura surrounded me. "How do you expect me to accept you as a father if you were never fatherly to me?!?"

Preston's smile vanished as I began to form a giant, rainbow colored fireball in my hands. Bill looked at me, eyes wide.

"Pacifica!" He shouted in between struggles for breath. "Don't! You're going to drain yourself of your energy!"


Then, using all of my strength, I hurled the fireball straight at Preston. It hit him, full force, and he disintegrated into dust, screaming. The others dropped to the floor as blue, purple, and tan auras flowed into Bill, Sandy, and Robert. Everyone was looking at me, and I was panting. I felt so weak. So tired. I took one step, and fainted.

Demon With Nothing Left (EDITED 5/31/17)Where stories live. Discover now