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Golden's Point Of View:

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the ground of the Cipher's old house. Was everything that just happened to me a dream? I heard Mrs. Cipher humming in the kitchen, and the sizzling of bacon. I heard laughter, and Mr. Cipher, along with Bill, came running into the living room. I sat up quickly, and was met with a pounding headache. Mr. Cipher and Bill stopped, and frowned at me.

"Don't worry guys, I'm okay," I blurted out.

No reply. Confused, I stood up, and walked towards them. They stood there, unmoving, and I reached out to hug Bill. Instead, I went right through him. Shocked, I turned back to face them. They had moved to the couch, and Bill was telling his father to turn the tv on. I positioned myself next to them as the tv screen showed the news.

"And in earlier news today, a demon cat, by the name of Golden, was murdered today by human Preston Northwest," the news reporter said. "She was found by the Northwest mansion in human form, lying on the ground, covered in multiple stab wounds. Her funeral is tomorrow at twelve o'clock sharp."

My heart almost leaped in my throat. I was dead? But, how was I still here? Then, it dawned on me. This was all fake. My memory came back. The Cipher Prophecy came to pass.

"THE CIPHER PROPHECY CAME TO PASS!" I screamed to no one in particular.

Panicking, I ran out the front door of the Cipher's and towards the mansion.

Maybe if I go to the mansion in this world, it can bring me back to the real world.

Yellow fireballs formed in my hands as my speed increased. The mansion soon towered above me. I was so close...

Gideon's Point Of View:

"Gideon, wake up."

I groggily opened my eyes to see Mother and Father staring at me with concerned looks. I smelled something burning, and I sat up fast. Mother and Father almost jumped back with surprise when I jumped up.

"Gideon?" Mother asked. "What's wrong?"

"Do you smell anything...burning?" I asked.

Mother and Father sniffed the air. Their faces turned pale as the scent of smoke reached their noses. Flames leaped out at us from nowhere. We held up force fields, but the flames went right through them.

"RUN!" Mother shouted.

We took off running through our house. Wait a minute... Our house? I stopped in confusion.

"Keep running, Gideon!" Father shouted at me. "The flames will get you!"

"Mother, Father, stop!" I yelled in a panic. "Don't you realize that we are in our house? How is it even standing?"

Then, I remembered that night. The fire. Mother and Father screaming. Escaping with terrible injuries. Going to the only place I knew, the Pines' house. It all hit me like a train. Were we stuck in a flashback?

Without realizing it, the flames had devoured me, and Mother and Father's screams were getting farther and farther away.

"Whoever said that flashbacks hurt demons?"

A figure emerged out of the flames and walked towards me. Preston.

Stan's Point Of View:

I looked around the room I was in. Ford was laying on the ground next to me, and next to him were two adults. The woman was sitting up, trying to wake up the man that was next to her. I shook Ford awake, and he sat up quickly. The man next to the woman followed suit, and we all looked around. We, somehow, were back at the shack.

"Ford, how did we get back here?" I asked my brother.

"I don't know," Ford replied.

"Where are we?" the woman asked. "And who are you two?"

"I'm Stan Pines, and that's my brother, Ford," I answered. "Who are you?"

"I'm Sandy Cipher, and that's my husband, Robert," the woman explained. "From what I heard, you know our son."

"You're Bill's parents?" Ford asked.

"Yes, we are," Robert replied. "Also, back to the first question my wife asked you. Where are we?"

"Apparently, we are at my house," Ford replied. "But I have no idea how we got here."

"Wait, where are the others?" I asked.

"What if they are back at the mansion?" Sandy asked.

"Let's go check," Robert replied.

We all agreed that it was a good idea, and left the shack. We stopped in surprise as the outside world greeted us.The town was entirely in shambles, and demons were running for safety. We heard laughter above us, and hesitated to look up. Blue aura surrounded Preston, and he was shooting blue lasers everywhere.

"No DeMoNs CaN EsCaPe My WrAtH!" Preston screamed.

"What do we do?" Sandy asked in fear.

A laser was aimed right at Ford, and I screamed as it came into contact with his body. It went right through him, and he was unharmed.

"What just happened?" Robert asked.

"I got it!" Ford shouted out happily. "This is all fake. We are in the dream world. In the real world, we are scattered about the mansion."

"How do we get back to the real world?" I asked.

"I think that we need to get to the mansion," Sandy said.

"Correct," Ford said, and he took off running to the mansion.

Robert, Sandy, and I soon followed.

Dipper's Point Of View:

As I ran through the woods, I soon bumped into Mabel.

"Mabel!" I cried out with joy. "Are you okay?"

"Dipper!" Mabel cried out, and hugged me. "I thought that I was alone when I disappeared to here."

"So did I," I said as Mabel let go of me. "Why did Preston send us here?"

"I don't know," Mabel replied.

We stood there, and a wolf soon howled. Mabel jumped, and grabbed my arm as a wolf came into the clearing. I formed white fireballs in my hands, and threw them at the creature. They went right through the wolf, and it pounced on Mabel. She squeaked in surprise as the wolf went right through her. Confused, I reached out to the wolf, and my hand passed through its head.

"Everything here is an illusion," I realized, turning to Mabel. "We need to get to the mansion that's in this world. Maybe it will send us back to our world."

Mabel looked at me with a confused face. "Okay, bro-bro, you lost me."

I sighed. "Just follow me."

Pacifica's Point Of View:

I kneeled by the unconscious Bill, trying to shake him awake.

"Bill, please get up," I whispered. "I need you to wake up."

He finally groaned, and I sighed with relief when he opened his eyes.

"Pacifica?" he asked. "Where is everyone?"

"Why don't you two try to find them," Preston replied, walking towards us.

Bill angrily stood up, and tried to through a blue fireball at him. Nothing happened, and Preston began to laugh.

"Thanks to the Cipher Prophecy, you can not harm me," Preston said, slowly disappearing. "Your friends are somewhere in my mansion. You have an hour to find them and bring them back here before I turned them into my slaves."

He disappeared, and my face turned pale.

"An hour? That's not that bad," Bill told me.

"Yes it is," I replied. "This mansion is so huge, we have a ton of rooms to search through to find them."

"Then let's go," Bill said, standing up.

We took off running down a random hallway in search for our friends.

Demon With Nothing Left (EDITED 5/31/17)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя