The Box

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"Wait, how do they know William?" Mabel asked. "We are the only one who gave him that name. Heck, William doesn't even know his real name."

"Can I open it?" I asked, reaching for the box.

Dipper held it close to him. "I don't that's a good idea."

"Maybe it's from Pacifica," Gideon suggested.

"Pacifica doesn't know about William though," Dipper said.

"Place it on the floor, see what happens," Ford said.

Dipper did, and Golden crawled over to it. She meowed, and nudged it with her little nose. It moved, and she cried out in surprise. I ran over to her, and scooped her up. 

"What's in there?" I asked, growing fearful of the box.

"Poke it with a stick," Stan suggested.

Dipper formed a stick out of blue fire, and lightly nudged the box. The box moved again, and Dipper grabbed it. He tore open the box, and a creature jumped out. It was a small, blue penguin with a blue flower in its head. Dipper shrieked, and flew away from it as fast as he could.

"Aw, it's such a cutie!" Mabel squealed, and picked the penguin up.

"Mabel, don't touch it!" Dipper, Ford, and Stan yelled at her.

Gideon, Mabel, and I looked at them in confusion.


A blinding blue light engulfed Mabel as she screamed in agony.

"Mabel!" I cried, and ran forward.

"William, don't!" Ford yelled and grabbed my arm.

"Let me go!" I yelled. 

I had to save Mabel. Why didn't they understand? Ford suddenly let go of my arm, and backed away from me, fear in his eyes. I noticed that I was floating, blue fire surrounding me. I flew into the light where Mabel was still screaming. 

I found her lying on the floor, still holding the penguin. The penguin had blue lightning  that was striking Mabel in her chest. It didn't seem to effect me, and I wrenched the penguin out of her grasp.

The lightning stopped, and the penguin became limp in my arms. The blue fire around me engulfed the penguin, turning it into ash. I turned to Mabel, who was now unconscious on the ground. I picked her up, and floated upstairs to her room. I placed her on her bed, and covered her up. The blue fire around me disappeared, and I sat on her bed. I began smoothing her hair as she slept soundly.

Stan came in, and sat next to me.

"William, I don't know what you did, but thank you for saving Mabel," Stan said.

"She has lost a lot of power," I said, not looking at him. "She needs rest."

"How do you know?" Stan asked.

"I-I have no idea," I replied, looking up at him. "For some reason, it just came to me naturally."

"You must be getting your memory back," Stan said, and stood up. "It's getting late, I'll make some dinner."

I nodded, and looked back at Mabel. She was still sleeping soundly. I took off my yellow jacket, and covered her with it. I left the room, slowly closing the door behind me. 

I started to walk down the steps, when I was met with a flashing image. It was quick, but I managed to make out a small home with three people in it. Then, it disappeared. I stepped back, holding my chest. What was that? I shook my head, and continued downstairs. Stan was right. I must be getting my memory back.

Demon With Nothing Left (EDITED 5/31/17)Where stories live. Discover now