Chapter 34 ~ Eenie Meenie Miney Mo!

Start from the beginning

"So where are we going?" you asked looking up as Genesis looked down at you his lips pulling into a smile.

"It's just up ahead." After a few more steps Genesis came to a stop. "We're here." He gestured a hand forward and your gaze rose until your eyes settled on a sign that simply read 'Books'. Your face immediately donned a coat hanger grin.

"I knew you'd like it. Shall we?" he climbed the two stairs to the store and held open the door for you.

You spent what felt like forever perusing the shelves, occasionally picking up the odd tome to share and discuss it's brilliance with Genesis. You rounded another bookshelf, so engrossed with what you were looking at you didn't notice the person coming around the other way. You bounced straight off whoever it was and landed on your butt.

"Ouch," A familiar voice grumbled. You looked over to find Zexion on the floor pulling a book off his face.

"Oops, I am so sorry," you quickly scurried to your feet so you could help Zexion to his.

"No, I- uh – wasn't looking where I was going," Zexion dusted down his black jeans.

"I wasn't either, sorry," you rubbed at your head sheepishly.

"Oh Zexion, what are you doing here?" Genesis asked rounding the corner too.

"I'm just about to meet Roxas and Demyx at a café. After I buy this of course." He held up the book in his hand. "Would you two like to join us?"

"Well I haven't had breakfast yet, so why not," you smiled.

"Genesis?" Zexion turned the offer to him.

"I appreciate the offer but there's a few more books I'd like to look at first."

"Okay, I'll see you later then," You gave a little wave which Genesis returned before falling back into the book he was reading.

You waited while Zexion bought his book and then the two of you headed off.

"What bought you guys to the city today?" you asked him.

"Well it can get quite boring stuck in the campus all week so most students head into the city on the weekends." He explained.

"I guess If you've been going there for as long as you have you'd run out of stuff to do." You chuckled.

"It can get claustrophobic in those halls."

"I never pegged you as the outdoorsy type," you hummed.

"I like the illusion of freedom." He wore his perpetual straight face.

"Well that's an oddly deep thought," you pondered his words slightly surprised by them. He just shrugged before turning toward a nearby building.

"We're here." He stepped forward holding open the door for you. You thanked him as you walked past and spotted Demyx and Roxas almost immediately. They were sat in the closest corner booth sipping milkshakes. As you walked over they spotted you almost straight away.

"Hi -------."

Hey." They chimed in unison.

"Hey guys" you smiled.

"Don't I even warrant a hello?" Zexion almost pouted as he slid into the booth next to Demyx.

"Don't look so depressed Zex, we're happy to see you too." Demyx assured placing an arm around his shoulders and giving a squeeze to which Zexion just pushed him off. "I love you too man." Zexion let out a small huff before casually reaching over and stealing Demyx's drink.

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