We looked in the fridge and it was bare.

"Looks like we need to hit the shops." Phil said, grabbing his keys off of the counter.

We descended down the many, many stairs and proceeded into the car. We went into a few shops, buying whatever we seem necessary. Such as buy one get one free bedsheets. Phil got blue and green and since they didn't have any pastel shades, I settled for black. We also bought some pots and pans, some cereal that Phil was eyeing since we picked it up, toothbrushes, shampoo, body wash, and lots of food. Admittedly, we bought a few things we didn't need as well. Such as various coffee mugs, a copy of the Sims 4 game, a stuffed animal lion, and a few new flower crowns.

In one of the shops, we ran into P.J. and Chris holding hands. We both stopped dead in our tracks. Chris saw us out of the corner of his eye and dropped P.J.'s hand immediately. P.J. then turned around and saw us as well and walked up to us with Chris following.

"Uh, hey gu-"

"YOU TWO ARE DATING OH MY GOSH." I blurted out, then covering my mouth.

P.J. chuckled and then nodded, grabbing Chris by the waist and kissing his cheek, making Chris's cheeks turn a bright red color.

We caught up and told them everything. They said that they wouldn't tell anyone about what happened and asked if we were coming back to school. Phil and I just looked at each other. We didn't know yet, but we didn't want to think of that on top of everything else on our shoulders. Finally we parted ways and agreed to have them over sometime soon.

We finally got back to the apartment and hauled our new items up the stairs. The many, many stairs. We got settled in and made our beds and began heating up some hot pockets for dinner. We sat down on the sofa and ate while watching one of the Harry Potter movies.

I looked over at Phil. I can't believe that we're living together. He took me away from a bad situation as I did him. I like to think that we protect each other. Of course, I'm not exactly intimidating like he can be, but I do try my best to shield him of anything negative. I don't want to ask about his parents. I don't even understand how a parent can disown their own child for something they can't control. I don't even have a child, but I know I would never disown them for anything. People don't understand how much their words hurt. I knew I was gay since I was little. Of course, I didn't know the term or the controversiality of it. I just liked boys in my class. I never questioned it. I never chose it.

What people need to understand is, why would I chose something that I would get beaten for on a regular basis? But honestly, when I look at Phil, I don't care about any beatings or slurs. I just think of us and our future. I want to love him until I can't remember how to love because of old age, but even then, I think I'll know just how much this person means to me. I don't think I could ever forget how much he means to me. I feel as if our connection is too strong that even the universe couldn't break it.

It became midnight and we both were fairly tired. We went to our rooms and I tried to sleep. I turned off the lights and remembered that I'm scared of the dark. I tried to sleep, but after tossing and turning for about an hour and a half, I went down the hall to Phil's room and opened the door. He woke up from the sound and yawned.

"Hey, Bear. What's wrong?" He asked sleepily.

I bit my lip, a bit embarrassed.

"I can't sleep. Can I..?"

He opened his arms and held the covers up.

"C'mere." He said, scooting over as I got in.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed my temple. I breathed in his scent and smiled to myself. That smell will never get old.

"I love you, Bear."

"I love you, Lion."

He then fell asleep, smiling. I kissed his lips very softly and whispered quietly, "Thank you for being my home."


LOOK AT ME UPDATING WHAAAAAAT. Hope you enjoyed! & I really appreciate all the positive comments!:) But just saying, not naming names, but I write my story the way I want to. I appreciate any feedback, but when I'm told that something would have been better or fitted the story better, I take a slight offense to it. Basically, (ha, get it, my username, ha!) if you have any negative comments, please keep them to yourself. I appreciate the feedback & even criticism, but there's a big difference between criticism and rudeness. No story is EVER going to be perfect because everyone has a different interpretation of a perfect story, so please, don't try to perfect my story when I take about a week and a half to edit and perfect it myself. Again, feedback & criticism are appreciated, but rude or even judgmental comments (that aren't a joke or sarcasm, trust me, I know the difference😂😂😂, not talking about the ones that aren't supposed to be taken seriously) aren't and more than likely will be deleted. Rant over, sorry, just kinda got a bit upset at a few comments, but I'm not going to reply something rude to them. Instead, I delete them, but I just wanted to speak up about it just incase someone else is going through the same thing¿ Anyways, thank you for all the lovely support and VEIWS OH MY GOODNESS.

Until next time xxx

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