Chapter 14

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   "Are you sure that you're alright?" Yugi asks after several minutes of complete silence between the two of us. His round eyes stare at me with a sweet and sincere concerned sense of curiosity.
   "How many times are you going to ask me that question in one day?" I ask warily as I rest my face in my palm. Yugi frowns at my cold response and I struggle to ignore the intense flutter of my heartbeat in my chest. It is pounding against my rib cage making my chest ache. His eyes are glimmering with sunlight and disappointment making them glow a more beautiful shade of amethyst than any gem known to man or God. How can one being be so beautiful?
   "When are you going to start acting like yourself again?" He retorts lightheartedly. "You're starting to freak me out with this nice guy act."
   "I'll keep that in mind," I grumble as I fight back my laughter. "Allow me to return to my sullen and dark ways."
   "That's not what I meant and you know it." He argues with a slight pout. How absolutely adorable. My little Yugi. Wait! Down boy! He doesn't belong to you, so you can't make those kind of remarks. A small voice in the back of my mind pipes in, he's not ours yet. Yet. A small but powerful part rather likes the sound of that.
   "Only teasing." I smirk with a dismissive wave of the hand.
   "And now you're teasing?" He asks with an incredulous expression. "Are you feeling alright?" Yugi leans over and places a gentle hand on my forehead. His cool fingers sending chills down my spine at the sweet contact. A small buzz of electricity crackling through my veins with such an intensity that it makes my mouth open partially.
   "I'm feeling much better now." Yugi blushes slightly as he chuckles at my response.  An overwhelming sense of shame courses through me as what I said sinks in. It just slipped out! How could I say something so absolutely ridiculous?! I have never felt so embarrassed in my entire life.
   "I'm glad that you are feeling better." He says with a sweet smile, his hand still resting on my forehead. "Your forehead still feels really warm. I think you might have a slight fever."
   "I assure you that I am quite alright." I say as reassuringly as I can, "A little fever won't do any real harm to me."
   "You see this face," he points at his serious expression. "This is the face of not giving a damn about what you say. Now don't argue with me and let me take care of you."
   "What happened to the docile and pushover Yugi who would never argue with me?" I ask with a sigh. "I rather miss him."
   "Get over it." Yugi says with a mischievous grin as he switches hands, a fresh wave of cool bliss permeating over my warm skin making me moan quietly. He blinks in surprise at the noise making me blush slightly in embarrassment. How many times am I going to make a fool of myself in front of him?! And could my heart just stop pounding in my chest! This incessant pounding and the roar of blood in my ears is driving me mad. "You need to lie down." He moves to take away the sweet cool touch of his hand from my forehead but I quickly and desperately grab his wrist. "Yami?"
   "Please don't move." I whisper, my eyes shut tight in embarrassment. I have never begged for anything in my life, but I have never wanted anything more than I want his hand on my skin.
   "Okay," he says softly. "I won't move." His voice a reassuring whisper that sets both my mind and my body at ease. He is making me feel so warm and content but also so numb and at peace. He has me at the precipice of oblivion and living, and there is nowhere I would rather be.
   "What do you think of love Yugi?"  I whisper. A jolt shocks through his small frame making his hand tremble on my forehead.
   "Wh-what brought this on?" He stammers. I peek beneath my dark eyelashes at him. His usually pale cheeks are tinted a light rosey pink. I have to bite down in the inside of my lips to fight the grin that was threatening to form on my lips. He puts even the most beautiful paintings to shame.
   "An answer for an answer." I answer smoothly, not being able to help the smug tone that seems to drip off of my words.
   "Fine," Yugi whispers quietly. "Love is very special."
   "Wow," I sigh dramatically. "You should be a poet."
   "Shut up!" He splutters. "What's wrong with my answer?"
   "Nothing, except it is so generic and emotionless," I say teasingly. "Now how about you answer the question the way you wanted to before you were worried about what I would think."
   "How did you-"
   "I know you better than anyone else ever could." I say with a small smile. "Remember?" I look into his eyes and he flushes a deep pink before dropping his gaze.
   "Love," he pauses for a moment his eyes staring intently at the floor. "Love is something that you can't replace with any object. It has to be with the person that sets your blood on fire but also knows how to release the heat that they formed. It is a union of equals that are able to comprehend each other on a level and that others can only guess at." I smile up at him, silently enjoying his answer. His every word making my heart flutter in my chest like a hummingbird's wings. He blinks as he stares at me with curiosity and a small note of suspicion. "Why did you ask me that?"
   "It's simple really." I answer with a sigh.
   "Care to share?" Yugi asks with some interest. I smile as I raise a hand up to his face and cup his cheek. His eyes widen in surprise as I do so and his mouth opens slightly.
   "I love you Yugi," Tears begin to bubble in his eyes. "More than anything."

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