Chapter 6

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   "What kind of deal?" He asks with a tone of skepticism. Amethyst eyes trained on me with a serious sense of expectation as well as wariness.
   "I could help you with your bullying problem."
   "I won't let you hurt anyone." He says seriously, his answer so sudden that it almost stunned me. I can feel my eye twitch in irritation at his words.
   "Pardon?" I grind out through my teeth. "I believe that I miss heard you."
   "I won't let you hurt anyone." He repeats himself, his face a mask of seriousness. I can't believe this. He can't truly be serious about this, can he? "It won't solve anything."
   "That is where you lose me." I smile falsely, my lips pulling back from my teeth in a macabre attempt at a grin. Yugi flinches at the sight of my expression. "It would solve all of your problems if they fear you."
   "But...fear shouldn't be the answer."
   "You don't really believe that." I hiss.
   "I do." He answers softly, his voice just barely audible. His eyes firmly trained on the ground.
   "Perhaps," I murmur suggestively. "You enjoy it." Infuriated eyes snap up to meet my crimson orb. I can't fight the genuine grin that is slithering its way onto my face as soon as I get a view of his face. Yugi is practically seething.
   "I do no such thing." He hisses.
   "Prove it." I whisper softly in return. "Take the deal."
   "Don't be obstinate."
   "Why must you hurt people?" Yugi snaps in retort.
   "It is merely how I respond to others." I tilt my head to the side slightly. "Though, only if provoked to do so."
   "You frighten me." Yugi whispers as he scoots a little farther back from me.
   "Should have thought of that in the beginning." I snap. "Now you're stuck with me."
   "You're terrifying!"
   "I will elect to take that as a compliment." The boy's body is trembling profusely. If I didn't know any better I would have thought he had been dunked in ice water. Small tears begin to prick at his eyelashes as he considers me with fear. "Yugi." I murmur as I inch forward slightly. He gasps in surprise and hurriedly scrambles away from me.
   "You just stay there." He croaks through a fear constricting throat. "Don't hurt me."
   "Why would I hurt you?" I ask quizzically. Yugi stares at me curiously. "What could I possible gain from that?"
   "D-Do you enjoy hurting people Yami?" His question leaves me blinking in surprise. The sheer abruptness of the question has struck me right between the eyes leaving me dazed and unsure of how to answer. In all honesty I had never truly stopped to think about whether or not I enjoyed inflicting pain. It was always just a necessary evil that was conjured up by the moment. That last minute decision, them or me. If history is to prove anything, I always choose me.
   "Define enjoy." Now it is Yugi's turn to blink in surprise. He almost looks like a startled animal but he quickly regains his composure and responds.
   "When you inflict pain does it give you a rush? Like you feel like electricity is coursing through your veins and you don't want it to stop?"
   My eyes narrow in confusion. "What is electricity?" A slight growl escapes my lips. "Use terms that I will understand!"
   "Think of electricity as lightning." He mumbles. "So do you?"
   "No." I answer after a moment of thought. "I have never experienced that sensation you just described...ever."
   "What did I just say?" I snap.
   "Sorry." He flinches. "You just caught me by surprise." A small gentle smile pulls at his lips. "But it's good that you don't enjoy hurting people."
   "Wasn't answering your question for your approval." I hiss under my breath, but a small part of me that has been tied tighter than any knot begins to relax slightly at his words. "The only way to get your life back Yugi is to fight back."
   "I know." He murmurs sadly. "I just...don't think I can."
   "You are a strange one." I say openly. Yugi meets my gaze with surprise and blatant confusion. "You hate them for hurting you yet you are reluctant to fight back. I don't think I have ever met someone so contradictory in my entire existence."
   "I'm sorry." He mumbles.
   "That right there is what I'm talking about." I snap. Yugi stares at me in shock and confusion. "Your mouth says sorry but when I look in your eyes I see someone who wants to fight back. So fight back! Say what you really think!"
   "I'm not like you." He answers with a sigh. "I don't have that personal sense of self confidence and strength." A remorseful grin pulls at his lips as he looks at me. "I am merely a shadow of what you are, or a shadow of your shadow."
   "Stop acting so pathetic." I growl. "I see someone who would rather give up instead of fight before I see what you just described to me."
   "I will guide you through the situation." I interject. "You won't have to hurt anyone." Yugi's eyes widen in surprise before narrowing suspiciously. His lips pulling tightly into a straight, pale line across his face.
   "Do you swear?"
   "I swear."
   "How do I know I can trust you?" He asks slowly. "It's not exactly like you are a friendly apparition after all."
   "I was the one who wanted to make this deal, why would I want to harm you in the process? That's rather counterproductive."
   "Wow, you are just the most reassuring person on this earth." He mumbles under his breath.
   "Why do I feel like you didn't mean that?" I ask curiously. "Was that sarcasm?"
   "Forget it." He answers hurriedly. "So I'm just supposed to simply trust you? Just like that with no questions asked? Nothing more than your word is the only promise I have that you won't break the deal?"
   "Yes." I answer as I stick out my hand to him. "Do we have a deal?" Yugi stares at my palm for a moment, hesitation evident all over his face. He slowly raises his hand and let's it hover over mine. Our eyes lock and he silently places his hand in mine. "The deal is set."

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