Chapter 13

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   My body feels so light that I am almost startled by how easily I can move. Two amethyst eyes peer down at me with curiosity and concern from their perch on the foot of the bed. I simply blink in confusion as morning light filters through the window and makes his eyes seem to shine like two brilliant gems. This has to be the thousandth time that I have seen Yugi's eyes, but I can't help but feel like I am seeing them in a brand new way. Something has changed and shifted reality, but I can't seem to put my finger on what it is.
   "Yami?" Yugi whispers as he hesitantly peers down at me, "are you alright?"
   "Yeah," I grumble as I rise to a sitting position, the movement bringing our face mere inches apart. "I'm fine." Yugi smiles slightly in relief as he looks upon me. "Why do you ask?"
   "I have just never seen you sleep before." He murmurs as he draws back slightly. Something in my chest tightens and aches at the sudden loss of his closeness. I place a curious hand over my heart as I try to silence the painful sensation that is resonating through my chest painfully. "It was strange, but nice." I glance back up at his beaming face, illuminated by the pure morning light. "You looked like you were at peace."
   "That's how everyone appears when they sleep." I mumble softly. Yugi says nothing as he sits back on his bed and stares at me.
   "Looks like both of my boys are awake." That familiarly pesky voice resonates through the room. My eyes widen slightly as I look around for Ra, only to find him sitting right behind yugi. Yugi looks at me curiously as I glare at the space behind him. Ra smirks at my expression and merely brings a tanned finger to his lips and shushes me. "Don't confuse the mortal."
   "Is something the matter?" Yugi asks with a soft voice that makes goosebumps raise in my arms. I hurriedly rub warmth back into my arms in a desperate attempt to conceal the unsightly bumps. Why am I having such a reaction to Yugi? This has never occurred before. The memory of Ra placing his fingers on my forehead the night before makes me stiffen as all of the puzzle pieces click into place, all of which are directing the blame at the tanned God sitting a mere few feet away.
   "Not at all." I say smoothly. "Yugi you should go eat something."
   "I will in a little bit."
   "Your grandfather is downstairs, go eat the food he has made you." I snap. Yugi flinches slightly at my tone making my skin grow cold.
   "Fine," he whispers. "I'll go now." I watch helplessly as he walks away from me. My chest tightening painfully with ever step he takes. Go,den eyes watch me with a keen sense of amusement as my charge walks through the door and closes it behind him. I want to apologize to him, but I don't think I'll be able to.
   "Well that was adorable." Ra murmurs with a cheeky grin as he stares down at me with golden eyes that shine like the sun in his tan face.
   "What have you done?" I ask with a cold voice. "You've done something to me, now tell me!" Ra simply admires the many rings that adorn his fingers, blatantly ignoring the fact that I had spoken. "Answer me!"
   "You sure are a loud one in the morning." Ra answers with a grin as he glances over at me. "To answer your question I simply awoke all of the feelings that you locked away." I feel all of the blood drain from my face in one moment. My skin grows cold as I stare at him with a almost fearful expression.
   "What emotions have you awoken?" I mumble past suddenly numb and disobedient lips.
   "Only the ones that everyone enjoys to feel." Ra says with an almost bored expression. "Love, lust, compassion, kindness, the works."
   "Why would you do that?" I splutter. "There must have been a purpose greater than claiming that Yugi was made for me!"
   "It's simple really." Ra answers with a frown. "You have forced yourself to live in despair for centuries. Yugi cares for you in a way that you are just now beginning to understand. I am giving you the opportunity to find happiness and not let go of it."
   "I... I don't want this." I snap. "Send me back to the puzzle. Send me back into the depths of oblivion, anything but this!"
   "That is no longer an option." Ra says with a serious voice that makes me hesitant to question his answer. "You shall never return to the puzzle. The gods have willed it and I have willed it." His gaze softens slightly. "You are already in love Atem, so why not stay and enjoy it?"
   "I am only in love because you have forced me to be!" I snap.
   "Wrong, try again."
   "I merely awoke your emotions," he answers simply, a slight shrug accompanying his words. "I didn't manipulate them in anyway. Everything you are feeling right now, you are feeling and came up with on your own."
   "But I never thought of Yugi as-"
   "Love very rarely comes on the wings of coherent thought." Ra chuckles. "It is more commonly attained through physical attraction and emotional compatibility. You two understand one another."
   My heart hammers in my chest as the thought of Yugi flashes before my eyes. I feel my cheeks begin to heat at the thought of pressing my lips to his. I wonder just how soft they are? I gasp as I viciously shake my head back and forth trying to clear my head of these thoughts, but they don't seem to budge.
   "What will you have me do?" I whisper pitifully as tears begin to prick at my eyes.
   "Tell him the truth."

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