Chapter 2

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   It feels as if only a few heartbeats had passed before the duo returned. They did not say anything to one another. Both seemed to have this unspoken understanding that they were going to go off in their own directions and do whatever they pleased. The only sounds I could hear were the sounds of wood creaking and something clicking shut before the dull thud that I can only assume was the puzzle being placed on some wooden surface.
   "Where did he put those other pieces?" The soft voiced boy murmurs to himself.  My heart leaps to my throat as I remain motionless and silent. I am not entirely certain why I feel the need to do such since he can't hear or see me, but the fear coursing through my system forces me to respond in such a manner. There is the dull sound of metal hitting metal as he pieces together the puzzle.
   The darkness around me begins to lessen slightly and warmth begins to permeate through the realm. A startled gasp escapes my lips as a tendril of shadow slides over my skin but instead of the nostalgic chill there is a warmth that reminds me of the touch of my father.
   "S-stop it..." I plead as the world that I had called home begins to crash around me. Thin beams of silver and golden light shine through the murk making my eyes ache from the sudden glow. The constant clanking of metal on metal continues despite my pleas and despair. The boy is completely oblivious to the suffering he is causing me.
   "Wow..." The boy whispers to himself. "It's even more beautiful than I thought."
   "Please..." I whisper past suddenly parched lips, my throat aching. "No more."
   "One more piece." The boy murmurs as he picks up the final piece, the metal scratching against the wooden surface as he grabs it. "It'll finally be finished."
   Oh gods. Never in my centuries of existence could I ever say that I was truly afraid, but now... I rest a hand over my racing heart, my sweaty palms sliding across the bare skin of my chest. How have I been put into such a miserable state? I can't stand it! Tears prickle in my eyes as I hear the grating sound of metal on metal. Pain white hot scorches through me as the final piece is returned to its place.
   I scream miserably in pain as the world around me erupts into a blinding golden light. It feels as if the very essence of my being is being ripped apart and then stitched back together again. Warm light surrounds me and scorches my skin. I scream in absolute anguish as I feel myself being pulled towards the very heart of the light.
   "Stop it!" I scream as silver streams of tears flow down my cheeks shamelessly. My pride has abandoned me as pain has taken full control of me. The deep golden light at the very heart of the explosion glows intensely, it reminds me of flames. Oh gods am I going to be incinerated?! "I don't want to go there!"
   Regardless of my screams my soul is dragged harshly towards the light. The harsh heat growing more and more intense the closer I get. Tears stream down my cheeks as the light kisses my skin. The gentle touch cradles my face as the world around me goes still. I can't help but feel as if the light is trying to tell me not to cry. If that truly is the message it's a little late to be received since tears are shamelessly flowing down my cheeks in waves.
   I try to rip myself away from the grip of the light, but the more I fight it the closer I am pulled. I am fighting a uphill battle and losing. The light surrounds me like a bubble and cuts me off from the rest of the world around me. My breaths come in staggering, ragged gasps that make my chest rise and fall in such a hurried and painful rate. I'm hyperventilating. Fear has a tight grip on my heart as the light begins to cling to my skin tightly, swaddling me in its embrace. I take one more staggering breath before being forced to drift off to sleep, my breath leaving me in one relaxed sigh.
   My body feels horribly heavy. My finger twitches, the pad of my fingertip scraping against a wooden surface. A deep groan escapes me as I struggle to open my eyes. Why is everything suddenly so difficult? Deep ragged breathes echo in my ear. Is that me? No. It can't be, it sounds far too distant for it to be coming from my own mouth. I'll have to figure that out in a moment.
   Come on! Open your eyes you heavy bastard!
   My eyelids twitch and move as I struggle to open them. I groan again slightly as I am finally able to regain control of my eyes. Black dots of color swim before my vision as I groggily take in my surroundings. This is obviously not the inside of my puzzle. This is a room filled with objects that I don't recognize exempt of a few.
   "Where the hell am I?" I grumble.
   "Wh-who are you?" A familiarly soft voice whispers. My head slowly turns and I can finally see the origin of such a soft voice. The boy is small and thin, his hair is almost identical to mine exempt of his bangs, but the most startling aspect of his face were his eyes. Pure amethyst orbs peer back at me as we both remain motionless and silent. If I hold my breath for a moment i can hear his heart pounding in his chest. This boy is just as frightened as I am.
   I groan as I slowly rise from my crumpled state on the floor into a sitting position. I gently run my fingers over my cheeks, thankfully they're dry. My eyes slowly drift back towards the boy who is staring at me with curious eyes, but a trembling form.
   "My name is Yami, and I shouldn't be here."

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